The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Labour disputes: to find a compromise

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In Aktau was held a training seminar on how to build a dialogue for employers and employees of large companies of the western region in order to resolve a labor dispute between an employer and an employee

The event was organized by the Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accredited by NCE RK "Atameken", Federation of Trade Unions, the territorial trade unions and local executive bodies with the financial support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

The participants of the training seminar were told about the modern international experience (Europe and Asia) in settlement of labor disputes to preserve the efficiency of enterprises, representation of workers' interests and well-being of society as a whole. We examined the challenges and opportunities of the new Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in practice to identify potential sources of pre-conflict situations, their prevention and regulation,  dynamics and patterns of development of labor disputes, valuation of the price of the labor conflict for each side.

Much of the work time was devoted to practical training, at which employers and union leaders worked out models, approaches and ways to resolution of labor disputes at an enterprise. The program includes training of audience through role-play, testing of various aspects of cooperation between the parties and the styles of the negotiation to reach a compromise of interests.

In the view of employers and workers, such thematic seminars are needed, as they form the corporate culture and interactive, promote the susceptibility of the parties to a constructive search for ways to resolve conflicts through conciliation commissions and reconciliation procedures. Social partners have proposed to conduct similar training seminars in each area with a large percentage of SMEs.

At the end of the seminar, the participants were given a handout in the Kazakh and Russian languages, which can also be found on the website of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, but when used in the work, it is necessary to refer to the source and the authors of works.

The result of such a rich and meaningful program of the seminar was the conduction of training among participants, to assess the quality of training, to provide advice and suggestions for its improvement, feedback. More than forty participants received certificates.

The training was attended by executives, managers, and leaders of the oil and gas sector unions, geological exploration, service and construction companies, electric power, shipbuilding, instrumentation, telecommunications and others.

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