The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Protect Yourself

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Individual insurance of workers by companies will increase safety, believes the lawyer of the Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises (AMME) Akmaral Mukhamedzhanova

"Within the framework of a working group under AMME we have developed a proposal to establish a reserve fund by every big business. Accumulated by the employer own funds will be directed on payment of money to victims, who have received occupational diseases. These reserve funds will be held on a separate account of a business. At the same time the criteria of their operation and control will be developed by the relevant state bodies", - said the expert of the industry association to website.

According Mukhamedzhanova, the proposal on the reform will ensure the protection of employees' interests and health. "This will help to ensure the financial situation of an employee, to the life and health of which was caused an injury in the accident that led to the establishment of a certain degree of occupational disability or of his death, as well as to interest an employer in improving safety at a workplace", - said the lawyer.

In its developments the working groups of AMME focused on the recent changes in insurance law "On compulsory insurance of workers against accidents at execution of labor and duty". In connection with the introduction of a single insurance rates depending on the risk class, the costs of enterprises increased significantly. Therefore AMME insists on reviewing insurance rates to decrease and the exclusion of the application of a single coefficient for all categories of personnel in the calculation of insurance premiums.

Furthermore, the Association has prepared a series of proposals on amendments and additions to the legislation of Kazakhstan on compulsory insurance of workers against accidents and compensation for damage caused to life and (or) health of employees (CIA). "Our solution will give employers the option of self-insurance of employees against accidents or by insurance companies", - sums up Akmaral Mukhamedzhanova.

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