The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Atameken" approved inter-industry uniform rules and regulations on labor

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These ratios were developed together with associations and enterprises. They were agreed with republican associations of workers

In particular, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs approved inter-industry uniform rules on the number of employees, engaged in maintenance of administrative buildings and inter-industry regulations on timing of personnel management services.

On 1st of January 2016 was introduced a new Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Article 101 of the Labor Code provides for the right of employers to develop independently, to introduce, to implement a replacement and revision of labor standards, taking into account the organization of labor, equipment and technologies, as the regulation of labor is an integral part of the production management functions in terms of determining the necessary expenditure of labor (time) to perform works and is the basis for the regulation, assessment of labor costs and the extent of employee qualifications.

Paragraph 7 of this article states that the model rules and regulations on labor are developed and approved by the industry associations of employers, and the common and cross-model rules and regulations on labor for all spheres of activity approved by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan in consultation with employee representatives in accordance with the procedure established by the authorized state labor authority.

Functions on approval of the rules and regulations did not previously belong to NCE, the development and adoption of labor rules and regulations has been assigned to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the RK.

Cross-industry standard specifications on the number of employees engaged in service of administrative and public buildings, developed by the State Enterprise "National Research Institute for Occupational Safety" for use by organizations of all forms of ownership and are intended to define and to justify the necessary regulatory number, time norms, standards for servicing workers, who are engaged in servicing of administrative and public buildings.

Cross-industry standards of time of employees of HR services designed to calculate the number of workers of personnel services, performing work on acquisition and selection of training and retraining of personnel, management of installed documentation by personnel accounting related to the reception, transfer, employment and dismissal of workers.

These ratios were worked with associations and enterprises, consistent with the national associations of workers.

At present, by the order of the Chairman of NCE, in accordance with Article 101 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were approved:

1.  Cross-industry rules and regulations on the number of employees engaged in maintenance of office buildings

2.  Cross-industry rules and regulations on the time of employees in HR services.


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