The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The evolutional approach is required: the "Atameken" discussed introduction of the imputed insurance

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On the platform of "Atameken" a meeting on the introduction of imputed liability insurance in respect of facilities with massive stay of people was held.

One of the main priorities for the National Chamber is to increase business responsibility. A step towards implementation is the introduction of imputed insurance. This insurance is mandatory, but its terms are determined by the contract between the insurance company and the client, and not directly by law. Prerequisites for the introduction of this type of insurance were accidents such as fires in the Almaty SEC, a tragedy in Kemerovo.

"The aim of our project is to protect the life and health of the population. The target model is the place of a large crowd of people: stadiums, railway stations, but we must admit that they are not yet ready to accept this model. The work must be built evolutionarily, first in the SEC. A lot of questions will arise at the launch stage. Let's see how the project will be realized at starting," - Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE "Atameken", consider.

Participants of the imputed insurance will be a pool of insurers, accredited auditors, the international insurance market, brokers, and "Atameken" as public and administrative support for the project.

Director of the "AON KAZAKHSTAN" international insurance company Arman Boranbai noted that at the development stage it is possible to format the project for the specific requirements of the owner of the business. Compulsory insurance solves the first social task - it relieves the burden from the state and ensures a guaranteed availability of financial means for damage compensation.

"Imputed insurance is focused on social issues. It is worth noting that most of the compensation, in case of a dangerous situation, is paid by the akimats and the state. Often, the amount of compensation is chosen spontaneously, the concept includes the fact that responsibility will be borne by insurance companies," - Arman Boranbai added.

According to Arman Boranbai, the court often takes a lot of time and until the procedure reaches its logical conclusion, the financial compensation is no longer needed. One of the goals of the new project is the guaranteed availability of financial resources for paying compensation to the victims.

"The project discredits itself if this goal is not met. An accident is a symbiosis of the size of the payment linked to the size of damage caused to health. Our company thought about the introduction of a mechanism for receiving the status of disabled, but it takes time. Here we see the mechanism as a scale, where there is a particular harm and the percentage set for it, which is paid promptly," - Arman Boranbai said.

Chairman of the Association of Insurers of Kazakhstan Vitaly Verevkin outlined the need for a clear definition of the mechanism for performing insurance payments and determining the minimum amounts to be reimbursed.

The side effect of this goal will be stimulation of creation of a risk management infrastructure; each owner will pay the insurance premium in advance, according to the prescribed procedure. Also, the introduction of the system is aimed at reducing illegal audit operations by stimulating the improvement of the risk management system (RMS) on the "better risk - less premium" principle. Current system is not confined to the developed insurance model.

"Current model is built on basic principles. We also need a scale of risks, which would include the rating of insurers, there should be one result of the assessment, - Rustam Zhursunov believes. - The introduction of insurance is a burden on the subjects of trading activity. Only calculations based on the list of comments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and analysis will show what load will fall on 1 sq. m. Markets are not quite ready to implement insurance, we all understand the situation perfectly."

The director of the department of trade of the NCE RK "Atameken" Alexander Savidov noted that it is important to decide whom to insure.

"According to the law on trade activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, subjects are divided by squaring, a separate category is occupied by trading markets. We believe that it is necessary to insure the subjects of trade with an area of more than 2 thousand square meters and department markets, which have buildings," - Alexander Savidov suggested.

Today in Kazakhstan there are 485 similar facilities. According to Rustem Iskakov, the chief of the department of state fire control of the department of control and preventive activities in the field of fire safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since the beginning of 2018 more than 1,200 objects were inspected, a number of measures were taken to increase security at facilities with a large number of people.

Summing up, Rustam Zhursunov stressed that in the near future, insurance subjects and insurance premiums will be established. To this end, Fon Kazakhstan company will calculate the cost of insurance on the basis of the data provided by the National Chamber, the Association of Kazakhstan Insurers and the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan on the list of shopping center facilities that need to be discussed with insurance companies and business. In case of support of the insurance concept, the National Chamber together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan will initiate amendments to the legislation.

Earlier, Chairman of the Committee of Trade of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Kairat Mazhibayev noted that relations between tenants, owners and visitors should include not only commercial relations, but also so-called civil-law relations, which, are not regulated in any way.

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