The national chamber of entrepreneurs


It will be easier to look for professionals

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"Atameken" approved 11 professional standards, submitted by line ministries and developed in conjunction with employers' associations

These are the first adopted standards in the history of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

How professional standards will help workers and employers? What kind of significant assistance they will render in all spheres of activity and labour?

First of all, the professional standard for the employer becomes a reference point that helps correctly identify the specialty or a position, as well as the required job functions of their employees.

Second of all, professional standards will let you know the requirements for education and professional qualifications of a person, who performs a function of labor for the employer. It is not just about the main, but also the additional education.

Third of all, the employer will be able through all this to select employees, which is required for a relevant business process. He will be able to put the right things, to plan the development and train personnel in accordance with the existing needs.

Fourth of all, every employee will be able to verify independently what meets or does not meet the requirements of today's market. He will be able to understand how good is his qualification, whether he is in demand and what are the prospects.

And, most importantly, professional standards will allow each employee to plan his own career as a whole, and at a certain employer.

How can professional standards change over time and on what they can affect?

Professional standards may have an impact on job descriptions. Of course, to copy their position in these instructions literally, no one will, but to make the necessary adjustments are likely to be. Application of Standards will be relevant to the realities of specific situations, tasks and technologies. Each company will be able to adjust individually their job descriptions under the new professional standards. Job descriptions and documentation of personnel services will be subject to the biggest adjustment.

As for changes in professional standards, they will be required. Sector councils with relevant ministries will have to update constantly and to maintain these standards.

One can safely say that the professional standard – is a living instrument that is constantly changing its characteristics and shows the direction of development of a particular profession. Accordingly, the requirements for specialists will change periodically.

In addition, the work on the establishment of the foundations of the National qualifications system of the Republic of Kazakhstan continues in the framework of the Partnership Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development of the project "Development of skills and stimulation of job creation". Implementation period of this project 5 years (2016-2020.). As part subcomponent 1.1. "Improvement of professional standards, including the processes of revision and harmonization", it is planned to develop about 550 professional standards.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, join us! Professional standards can be developed on the initiative of employers, joint expert groups of industrial enterprises, educational and research institutions.


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