The national chamber of entrepreneurs


How does an industrial certificate differ from ST-KZ?

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Industry associations will develop special requirements for an industrial certificate

At a meeting of the National Committee of mechanical engineering and metal-working of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", the advisor to the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Arthur Kabdolov spoke about the industrial certificate.

"We propose to extend the concept of industrial certificate to make it a three-level, to rank the enterprises within the country. ST-KZ allowed to do only in the proportion of local content", - he said.

Adviser explained that the certificate of 2 Level  - is a company that has a partial production of components and a quality certificate. The third level - is a full-cycle production, with the exception of raw materials.

According to Kabdolov, the most important element in the industrial certificate – is determination of an applicant, as an actual manufacturer. "We propose the following wording: industrial certificate - is a voluntary certification confirming the applicant's technical, technological and resource capability to manufacture products, to perform work and to provide services in the amounts declared in accordance with the list of goods, works and services. We believe that it is impossible to include the concept of quality in the industrial certificate", - he added.

"We assume that the main document of the industrial certificate will be special requirements that need to develop their own industry associations. This will be the basic document which will determine whether the applicant is an actual manufacturer", - said the representative of NCE.

Methodology for the calculation of the production capacity, according to Kabdolov, is also developed by industry associations. For calculation of the share of local content will be applied the same formula that has existed in the CT-KZ.

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