The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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This conclusion was reached at a meeting of the Committee for Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" chaired by the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meiram Pshembayev, with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber Kuanysh Bishimov, representatives of government agencies and the business community.

Kuanysh Bishimov noted that the underfinancing of engineering hinders the development of the economy as a whole.

“For the Comprehensive Plan, at least 500 billion tenge is needed annually. This will allow to increase the volume of production in mechanical engineering by 3 times within 5 years - to almost 3 trillion tenge per year. Only then it will be possible to talk about effective development,” - Kuanysh Bishimov said.

In the course of the VI Forum of Mechanical Engineers of Kazakhstan in September Comprehensive plan was widely discussed among more than 1000 industry experts. More than 100 recommendations on the addition of the project were worked out, including:

- measures of financial support (simplification of leasing, venture financing of start-ups),

- tax benefits (differentiated tax rates, VAT reset, exemption from customs duties when importing equipment),

- the development of basic industries and science (the creation of the Industrial Development Fund, targeted financing for the creation of basic enterprises for the production of forgings and castings, the organization of the Republican Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau),

- measures to stimulate demand and promote exports (an increase in compensation for certification costs in the country of destination, an increase in export crediting, a decrease in export duties, a change in procurement rules).

According to the general director of AZTM Zhetpisbay Yedigenov, it is necessary to focus on the provision of preferential tariffs of natural monopolies for enterprises in the industry.

“The NCE RK "Atameken” keeps the pricing issues under constant control and prepares its package of proposals. We need to carefully work out the issue of restoring the three-band tariff for electricity,” - Kuanysh Bishimov supported.


“We were the first manufacturing industry to develop a Comprehensive Plan. It will be submitted to the MID of the RK in the near future and, further, to the consideration of the Commission on Industrial Development of the Government,” - Meyram Pshembayev concluded.

The Committee also supported the proposal of the Union of Automotive Manufacturers of Kazakhstan “KazAvtoProm” to increase localization.

“To deepen the localization, we propose to introduce an industrial assembly mode for components of automotive and agricultural equipment with VAT exemption upon their implementation,” - Serik Rakhimov, Chairman of the Board of KazAvtoProm, explained.

Proposals for expanding the list of products for the payment of the recycling fee caused a heated discussion. Representatives of Operator ROP LLP, responsible for the organization of the recycling system, indicate the difficulty of accounting, for example, of agricultural equipment in comparison with road transport.

“Why not introduce accounting through special PSCs? You need to carefully study this issue, work together. A week later, I propose to return to the issue, so that later in Parliament our amendments would not be returned for revision,” - Meiramsh Pshembayev, Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK “Atameken” concluded.

The Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Pavel Beklemishev, presented the initiative to create sectoral engineering councils at the regional chambers of entrepreneurs.

“Further steps are needed to consolidate the domestic engineering industry. Sectoral councils should play an important role in the regional development of the industry and, at the same time, should ensure the systematization and consolidation of activities at the level of the Republic. Creation is possible on the basis of the current system of regional representatives of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Kazakhstan,” - Pavel Beklemishev said.

The members of the Committee supported the need to create branch councils at the RCE of the regions with the most developed machine building (Karaganda, Pavlodar regions, East Kazakhstan, Almaty).

The issue of the personnel potential of the industry did not stand aside either. Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of the National Chamber Lyazat Shonaeva presented professional standards in the field of 3d-technologies developed by the "Turan-Profi" University together with the Karaganda Machine-Building Consortium.

The members of the Committee are unanimous in the importance and necessity of this work.

«“These professional standards are the “firstborn” in our industry, therefore it is necessary to further reconcile them with interested enterprises,” - Meyram Pshembayev expressed the general point of view of Committee members.

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