The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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Thanks to the joint work of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", a large-scale work is carried out to develop tools to promote Kazakhstan's exports to world markets, improve the business and investment climate, reduce barriers and faciliate Kazakhstani export.

"In order to create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship, "Atameken" has completed the development of an electronic certification system," - Kuanysh Bishimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board, mentioned.

The transition to an electronic certification format will reduce the burden on business entities, ensure traceability of all certification procedures, information security, optimization and efficiency of the whole process of obtaining a certificate of origin.

"Since May 21, we are launching an electronic certification system in a pilot mode for a large-scale approbation of business processes of issuance of certificates of origin as an export destination, as well as certificates for internal circulation of the "ST-KZ" form, - a member of the Board added​​​​​​​.

The application for a certificate and a package of documents can be submitted online. There is no need to go to the Chamber for transferring documentation, now it can be done remotely.

To apply, you must register on the site or click the link in the "Certification" service on the website of the National Chamber

Thus, during the pilot mode, the applicant visits the office of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs only once, at the time of receiving the certificate.

In parallel, work has begun to introduce appropriate changes to the regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, after which, it will be able to finish the cross over to electronic document flow in the certification of the origin of the goods.

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