The national chamber of entrepreneurs


NCE is looking for ways how to protect domestic producers in a "soft" manner

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Issues of determining the country of origin of goods and issue of relevant certificates were discussed at "Atameken"

At the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a seminar-training on how to improve the skills of specialists of regional chambers of entrepreneurs on the topic "Determining the country of origin of goods, issuance of certificate of origin and its abolition".

NCE constantly receives appeals regarding issued certificates and their possible inconsistencies with the established requirements. For such appeals related work is carried out. However, the carried out audits have shown the need to discuss and to develop solutions aimed at systematization of processes, elimination of administrative barriers, etc. Current practices, problems of experts and work in the framework of integration associations were discussed at the seminar.

Expert of the Department of manufacturing industry NCE RK Elmira Urazova informed the employees of the regions that the Eurasian Economic Commission develops a unified position for the five countries. "Work is under way on the conclusion of an agreement on a harmonized system for determining the country of origin of goods, which will operate in five countries. Thus, we will determine the country of origin of the goods, which will be sent to a third country. This will be a unified form, uniform criteria, uniform requirements for determining the country of origin of goods", - she said.

According to Urazova, these rules set such criteria, which are somewhat harder for our producers. "But this is not the lion's share. The bulk will be able to get a certificate of origin", - she added.

Deputy Director of the Department of manufacturing industry NCE RK Hakim Sabirov, in turn, noted that today NCE consults with an international experts on how to implement a mechanism of "soft" protection of our producers. "Since there is such a practice in the world. Even in the pre-election program of the American elect president Trump. He openly speaks about protection of national producers. This should be done through non-governmental standards. The emergence of such tools depends on us. We are now looking for these solutions", - he said.

Urazova also informed those present at the seminar that Kazakhstan will continue to issue the ST KZ certificate. "We had hoped that since 2017 CT KZ certificate will not be issued for participants of the free economic zones and free warehouses. However, the industry committee of MID RK has initiated to conclude special investment contracts with the same producers that have been registered since 2012 to confirm the adequacy of processing in compliance with the Decree 155 and provide them with CT KZ certificate. The project of the Customs Code, which will enter into force on 1st of January 2017, but since we have not finished work on a draft agreement on the status of the goods in EAEU, the certificate will be valid. Thus, CT KZ certificate will be issued after 2017", - she said.

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