The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Ginseng of the desert" for a healthy nation

- Zhambyl Region
23674 просмотров

A resident of Moyinkum district started manufacturing of innovative phyto plants from native land

"You are needed where you are born", - says the proverb. Sergazy Kylyshbaev was born in the remote district of the region - Moyinkum. After graduating from medical school at first I remained to work in Almaty, but many years later, he decided to return to his native land to establish a patriotic business.

In Moiynkum District due to climatic features there are saxaul forests, but few people know on the roots of what shrubs parasite plant cistanche that takes all the nutrients from the roots of the host plant. This explains the miraculous properties of cistanche, which is called "desert ginseng", though doctors say that it has therapeutic effect it is five times stronger than ginseng. Cistanche has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, estrogenic, immunomodulatory, anticancer and other properties, it is an active component of many dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

"There is steadily increasing demand for this vegetable raw materials in China, Japan and South Korea, there are processing plants with the release of the product and its wide use - says Sergazy Kylyshbaev. - In Kazakhstan, there was no domestic production ever, 100% raw materials are exported to China, and harvesting is severely restricted by the Red Book there. Kazakhstan has all chances to become a world leader in the export of cistanche".

According to the businessman, anybody before thought about the fact that this plant can be processed inland. According to him, there is the uncontrolled export of plants abroad, there is an urgent need to stop it, we need to introduce the ban on the export of raw materials from Kazakhstan.
So he decided Moiynkum District needs to have a full cycle project - from the collection, harvesting, drying, to the final product.

"Implementation of the project will create a new regional innovation cluster of processing production of raw materials and production of products with high quality characteristics for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the population of the country and abroad", - is confident the businessman.

The project of the businessman for industrial production of innovative phyto-products from cistanche and other plants of flora of Moyinkum district was funded with the support of Enterprise Development Fund "Damu". Sergazy Kylyshbaev received a grant under the "Roadmap for business-2020", he purchased required processing equipment to open a workshop for plant these funds. Later, using other measures of state support under the program "Employment Roadmap 2020", he built the harvesting and production complex.

Businessman is going to produce teas and tinctures, today he launched the production of herbal tea "cistanche" branded packs of 100 grams.

Last year, he participated in the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan", where the products made an impression on the guests - many have been able to buy herbal tea and to try its miraculous effect.

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