The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Success Story: How to earn hundreds of thousands through investment of 20 thousand tenge

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In 2014, 22-year-old resident of Astana Azat Mukushev created a website, where the most popular restaurants and places of the capital were collected. Having invested 20 thousand in the idea, he made hundreds of thousands.

A few years ago a graduate of ENU named after Gumilyov, a physicist by profession, connected his future with space and he even managed to undergo internship in several national companies. But later he realized that it was not what he wanted to do.

"The idea arose when I had to go to a restaurant with the girl, where there will be some conditions. I could not find a website, which could filter restaurants by location in Astana. So I decided to create a website as a hobby, which offered it all. I did not know back then what is a website and how it works. I worked with inspiration", - says the entrepreneur Azat Mukushev. At the beginning his older brother  helped Azat. However, this did not last long. After a couple of months, the young entrepreneur had to take the reins in his hands.

Of course, there were difficulties.

"Five times the website completely failed, I had to return to the original version. And the work that I've done during the week, simply disappeared. I do not give up, and each time I started again", - says Azat Mukushev.

At first included those places that were of interest to its creator and would be not less attractive for foreign tourists, visiting the capital. There were a few dozens of such establishments. The website was visited by not more than eight thousand users each month. And it did not bring any income.

"At first, we worked as a website, where the places were located, and now it is - a single reservation service. There is a call-center where you can book a table in any institution of Astana. At the same time you can voice your criteria - what you need. For the guest it is totally free. But restaurateurs for my bringing guests pay me 10% of the bill", - says an aspiring entrepreneur.

Azat Mukushev came and offered his own terms to almost every restaurant located on the website: makes free advertising, photographs, writing the text, describing how can the place please the audience, and in response restaurateurs pay him 10% of the bill, that the guests have paid.

The website offers 132 places now; 32 thousand unique users visit the web-site each month. The list of restaurants is constantly updated.

Most restaurateurs, according to Azat Mukushev, willingly agree to the terms offered to them.

"Many restaurateurs are frightened and amazed, saying," What if we lie to you? ". However, first of all, my work is based on trust", - said a young businessman, adding that so far there was not a single case where restaurateurs have deceived him.

The website brought first revenue in July 2015, when three five-star restaurants of Rixos Presidential Hotel approached him and asked to do advertising on his web-site.

Later monthly checks began to arrive from the restaurateurs, who have agreed to pay 10% of the check.

He has invested a total of 20 thousand in the formation of the startup idea, and now invested efforts are yielding fruit. The young businessman did not disclose trade secrets about profit, sharing only the fact that for the last three months the website filled up his purse by 700 thousand tenge.

According to Azat Mukusheva, the average bill for four people reservation is 25-33 thousand tenge. Previously, this amount was several times higher. However, as an entrepreneur, the crisis has had an effect.

"They used to spend more. On average, for example, in December 2015, four men could spend 150 thousand tenge. Now, of course, it is very rare. The greatest influx of customers is during holidays. For example, the largest number of customers is on 8th of March. The influx of visitors to the restaurants is observed when civil servants receive salaries - it is estimated after the 10th. And on 15-16th there are less of them", - he added.

As for future plans in the future for the next few years, while Azat is uncertain whether he will go to restaurants or other Kazakhstani cities, or he will go immediately to the international market. He is very interested in the market of Georgia.



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