The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Green light for young people in business

- Zhambyl Region
12509 просмотров

One of the best "Young Entrepreneur - 2016" shared his story of success

In Taraz this year was organized for the first time the regional competition "Young Entrepreneur - 2016". It was attended by 18 entrepreneurs from eight districts, among them was the Kordai businessman Dauren Raymkulov. The young man presented his finished project - a kindergarden, and by the decision of the competent jury, he was awarded the second place. 27-year-old director of the private preschool - kindergarden "Balbala Kordai" - shared his history of the success with us.

Korday District can be called one of the most successfully developing districts in the business of the Zhambyl region. However, few young people can take risks as Dauren Raymkulov.

"It all started with the fact that when it was time to give the child to the kindergarden, I encountered the same problem - a lack of places in the gardens, - he said. - It turned out that it is necessary to register the child 2-3 years in advance, as the number of pre-school institutions is small. Then the idea came to me to open my own kindergarden in our village. I started to gather information about the business, and while searching I came across an article in a local newspaper, which stated that the Department of Education is holding a contest within the program "Balapan" in this sphere of activity. Next, at my own expense and with the support of loved ones I have opened a kindergarten for one group, that is 25 children. The state allocates a monthly subsidy to ensure every child".

However, progress was not going to stop it. "We needed to expand the business. Risk – is a noble cause! "- thought Dauren.

First he went to the branch of the Business Support Center in Korday District of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Zhambyl region.

"With the assistance of consultants of BSC, Dauren underwent training and received certificates for the courses "Business Advisor", "Business Growth", - said the director of the branch Yerzhan Aden.

After the entrepreneur took advantage of the services of business development fund "Damu". Dauren began attending training seminars organized by this fund, to develop his own business plan and collected the necessary documents for the loan.

"Of course, the business plan was not approved immediately, it was corrected and sent back for revision. Some documents were not correctly compiled, so I had to go several times to the same organizations. In this regard, I thought about giving up. But my desire, the desire to achieve this goal would not let me do it. After the expansion, 75 children attend kindergarden, without waiting for their turn, and about 25 people will be employed. And I reached the goal. I am very grateful to the regional branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs for its help and assistance, the Fund "Damu" - for its support", - said the young entrepreneur.

As a result the Fund "Damu" approved the application of the entrepreneur, and he obtained a loan from "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" in the amount of 8.16 million tenge at 9% per annum.

"No matter how many obstacles I  had to go through, I urge young people not to be afraid to open business, to grow, to develop and to contribute to the prosperity of our country", - says Dauren Raymkulov.

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