The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Lyazzat Ramazanova: "A woman will not share a culinary recipe, but she will always share the success recipe"

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In Astana, with the support of the Council of Business Women of NCE RK "Atameken" was held Women's Entrepreneurship Day

Kazakhstan for the first time has became a part of the global initiative of Women's Entrepreneurship Day (WED), supporting women's entrepreneurship.

On 19th of November representatives of Kazakhstani business celebrated in Astana Women's Entrepreneurship Day. The initiative of holding this festival supported the Council of Business Women of NCE RK "Atameken", the head of which is the head of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Lyazzat Ramazanova. The strategic partner is the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). On this day in 144 countries, at 110 universities simultaneously will take place the event to honor women entrepreneurs.

"Kazakh woman – is a daughter of the free steppes, a partner, a colleague, a good .counselor. We never wore a veil, never closed from the complexities. We always walked in one pace. Such is the nature of the steppe. The fittest, the strongest survives at the steppes. This historic features of the formation of Kazakhstani Women", - said Lyazzat Ramazanova, speaking in front of Kazakh business woman.

She voiced the results of the work of the Council of Business Women in the last year. "Within the system of NCE RK "Atameken", three types of non-financial support are provided - service support, informational support and direct services. Within the first segment the services were rendered to 30 thousand women entrepreneurs across all regions. Within the second segment we rendered support to 90 thousand business woman. 11 thousand women received financial assistance", - she said.

The head of the Council stressed that no association can’t achieve such good indicators, if it does not have a permanent working body. "Our Council has such a body – it is the whole National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Our ranks are open, and every business entity is our member", - she added.

"I hope that today's the first meeting will give a good impetus for a fruitful and constructive cooperation. (...) A woman will not always share a culinary recipe, but the recipe for success she will share with pleasure", - said Ramazanova.

The International Organization for the celebration of Women's Entrepreneurship Day appointed officials in more than 140 countries to organize and to conduct activities to motivate women entrepreneurs. Merey Mustafina was chosen in 2016 the official representative of the said organization in Kazakhstan.

"Being a part of this unique initiative – is a great honor for our country and for me in particular. I'm sure our event will be the launch platform for the start of ideas, opportunities", - said Mustafina. 

The Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev came to congratulate with this initiative, and to support a fine half of Kazakhstan's business. "Traditionally, the role of women has always been high in the Kazakh society. In the post-Soviet period in the most difficult years, women have made a lot of work, working in such professions where sometimes men do not. In Soviet times it was considered a crime to engage in business. And in the 90 years in the era of change, unfortunately, many men have been unable to adapt, and many were laying on the couch, drinking, etc. Of course, it was a very difficult time, and in the first place, women quickly adapted to it. I believe that women created the foundation for entrepreneurship in the 90s", - he said in his speech.

The floor was also given to the Chairman of the Council of Business Women of the South Kazakhstan region, owner and general director of LLP "Asyl Arman" Alma Arkhabaeva. "The Kazakhs have a saying:" Aielde kyryk zhan bar", which translates as:" A woman has 40 souls". This statement accurately reflects our feature, unlike men. We can do several things at once, to think about all at once, to see from the corner of eyes, as opposed to men who, more strategic and far-sighted", - she said.

Business lady added that women's leadership in the world has now reached a good performance, but at the same time has become a global problem. "There are many successful single women, who believe that a career is above all, and that if she can make good money, then she does not need a man. I think this is a huge mistake. This is where our society goes in the era of globalization. This is our role, as we need to bring up the right mindset of our younger daughters. When I travel on business, and communicate with a representative of the Western business community, It is very painful to hear when they say they put career in priority, and sacrificed everything for it. I think this is wrong. Since we have 40 souls, we can keep up with everything", - she said.

During the event, participants discussed women's entrepreneurship support programs implemented by the EBRD, Business Support Fund "Damu", UNDP in Kazakhstan. Business lady spoke about the benefits of own business, terms of women's leadership and shared rules of life with women entrepreneurs.

As a result of the event, there will be launched a series of initiatives and campaigns in support of the development of women’s entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.

The main event is "Choose Women" at the World Women's Entrepreneurship Day will be held on Wednesday, November 30 this year at the UN headquarters in New York and becomes a global initiative that encourages people to support women's business worldwide. During this event will be presented a new guide to Internet trading, which will allow for online purchases at retail stores, united to support women's entrepreneurship. The percentage of the sales will be used to finance 100 000 micro-loans of start businesses in impoverished countries. At the same time begin an information campaign on social media under the hashtag #ChooseWOMEN.


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