The national chamber of entrepreneurs


150 million tenge - for women's businesses in rural areas

- Mangistau Region
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This amount the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the region managed to obtain on the pilot micro-credit program, which was recently launched in the Mangistau region.

The total amount of micro-loan program is 588 million tenge.

Recently, the Council of Business Women was in Beineu district, the most distant from the regional center, which is located 500 kilometers from Aktau, bordering Uzebkistan. Beineu – is a large railway junction of the Mangistau region, the pipeline route "Central Asia - Center" passes near the village. It is a home to about 65 thousand people.

Members of the Council of Business Women met with the leadership of the local Akimat to discuss what types of services and production with the participation of women are required for the district, as well as with local businesswoman. By the way, LLP "MFI Atameken" has received 5 applications from entrepreneurs of Beineu district, and on the day of arrival of the delegation, a modern hotel "Zhibek Zholy" has opened in the district, where 10 local residents have found work.

The Chairwoman of the Council of Business Women of RCE Saule Salikhova focused attention of ​​business ladies of the district on the need to expand the types of services provided in the district center. According to her, residents of the district are ready for services of dry cleaning, cleaning and restoration of pillows, centres for development of children and separately for children with disabilities are highly required. "There are women with disabilities in the district, who should be encouraged to work and should get employed. Due to the geographical position in many SMEs are working citizens of Uzbekistan, wage of which is very beneficial for local entrepreneurs. It is necessary to move away from such practices, when SMEs hire citizens of other countries, it is necessary to begin work on the active involvement of our citizens with disabilities to work in the district", - said S. Salikhova.

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