The national chamber of entrepreneurs


25 women - to the 25th anniversary of Independence

- Atyrau Region
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The Council of the Business Women of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs will hold a forum, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence

25 remarkable regional women, who have made a significant contribution to the development of different industries, not just the business. This was announced at a regular meeting of the Council of Business Women of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which differed from the previous ones by the fact that the discussion of the agenda was held over a cup of tea.

Forum for the 25th anniversary of independence was held in a wide format. It is expected that about 300 people will take part in it. In addition to the official part, those present will be able to listen to lectures on various topics during the breakout sessions. There will also be an exhibition of products of regional women entrepreneurs.

The next issue, which participants discussed during the meeting, was the project "Mentoring", which was initiated by the Council of Business Women to help children - orphans and children left without parental care.

"Under the project, the members of the Council of Business Women, in which the aligned and stable development of business, it is proposed to take the patronage of one or more children from orphanages. However, the goal is not only to provide them with material assistance, but also to render the social support to the children. That is, you have to spend some time with your child, you can take it to the family, to acquaint him with his business, to participate in his counseling and much more", - said a member of the Council of Business Women Nina Temirbaeva.

It is worth noting that several women from among those present expressed their desire to participate in the project. It was therefore decided in the near future to meet with the leadership of the local children's homes to discuss the details. By the way, the Chairman of the Council of Business Women of RCE of Atyrau region Aliya Bekkuzhieva already took patronage over the two children for several years, she provides them with the necessary assistance on an ongoing basis.

Next, participants outlined a plan for the future. A defile of a new collection of knitted garments by LLP "Onerpaz" completed the session.

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