The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The effective lessons for farmers

- Akmola Region
11644 просмотров

The training seminars organized by the Centre of Agricultural Competence of NCE RK "Atameken" have completed

The cycle of the latter, October workshops on processing of meat and meat products, was held at the leading enterprises of the region: LLP “CAPITAL PROJECTS LTD”, LLP “Shchuchinsk meat-packing plant", LLP “KazBeef Ltd”.

The seminars were presented by the lecturer of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Doctor of Technical Sciences Ermek Abilmazhinov, a specially invited foreign expert, Candidate of Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation Mikhail Trifonov, as well as an expert in "Processing of meat and meat products' of the Center of Agricultural Competences Serik Tumenov.

The audience - agricultural producers, entrepreneurs, who are already successful in the industry of livestock production and processing of meat, or just planning to occupy this niche, they are engaged in the processing and production of meat products.

LLP “CAPITAL PROJECTS LTD” – is one of the largest poultry producers in the Akmola region. The assets of the company - a modern poultry complex with a closed production cycle, from cultivation to processing and sales in retail chains not only in Kazakhstan, but also in foreign countries.

Here, the audience of the seminar "The technology of deep processing of meat and procedures for the export of meat and meat products" were told in detail about the basics of organizing the slaughter, cutting and boning methods, processing and packaging of meat products, methods of preservation, smoked sausage products. With interest the audience listened to the necessary information on trade measures for import, export of meat and meat products, the safety management system HACCP food products, existing measures banning the import and export of animal products, quality control in the meat industry, etc.

Training courses were held on the basis of Shchuchin slaughterhouse. Participants of the seminar "The effectiveness of the processing enterprises, taking into account features of deep processing of meat" got acquainted with the features of advanced processing technology of meat, highly efficient production organizations, veterinary and sanitary requirements in the production of meat products. In addition, the students were provided information on measures of state support and the types of lending, tax breaks and other preferences in the agribusiness industry.

In particular, Ermek Abilmazhinov highlighted new possibilities for cooperation of farms and processors of agricultural products, the establishment of procurement organizations, centers for service support, etc.

Mikhail Trifonov, in turn, spoke about the trends in the meat industry development in Russia, as well as the need to comply with all the processes of registration of supporting documents for all kinds of food products, the risks arising from the export of meat products.

LLP "Shchuchinsk meat processing plant" acquires livestock at farms of Akmola region. As assured the Manager of the enterprise Nikolay Strokopis, products exported to Russia, go through all the stages of the veterinary inspection and shall be in accordance with international requirements. Having rich history, today the enterprise is working on the modernization of production. 

Once again, the theme of "Technology of deep processing of meat and procedures for the export of meat and meat products" was chosen based on the needs of students and the activities of the base farm - LLP “KazBeef Ltd”.

In addition to information on the deep processing of meat taking into account the peculiarities of the technology, veterinary and sanitary requirements to the object of growing cattle and slaughter, the effective control of the processes of meat processing and storage methods, packaging, Ermek Abilmazhinov told the audience in detail about the loan programs of JSC NMH "KazAgro" and support tools of JSC "Damu".

A separate topic of export of finished products has been disclosed, the existing international agreements, bilateral trade and recognition of certification processes. In his lecture the foreign expert widened and complemented the theme of deep processing of meat and food control processes by sharing experiences of Russian goods monitoring, tracking up to trademarks.

According to Serik Tumenov, LLP “KazBeef Ltd” since 2010 specializes in growing cattle of Angus and Hereford breeds. The company is one of the first to import more than 1,300 heads of cattle from North Dakota (USA). At the moment, the company has its own farm-reproducers capacity of up to 30 thousand heads. It contains more than 2,000 heads of breeding cattle and more than 1,200 heifers and calves, i.e. litter, which appeared already in Kazakhstan and adapted to the local climate. Embodying all the stages of a business project, the company puts into operation a feed lot for 10 thousand heads, and the plant for the production of high quality feed “KAZGRAIN”. The company also develops a new direction, creating a lethal line with capacity of 50 heads per shift and production of finished meat products. Today KazBeef Ltd is an official partner of hypermarkets “METRO” and delivers own marble meat and sausage products in the assortment.

"During the practical part of the students acquainted with the achievements of the visited companies, they were interested in details technology of meat harvesting and packaging of finished products, storage conditions, the equipment involved, etc. After the seminar, participants were able to ask their questions from invited experts, foreign lecturers and staff of the enterprise. Upon completion of the seminar, all participants were awarded with certificates of completion of a course with the best wishes for the future", - said Serik Tumenov.

According to the Head of Agribusiness Development Department of the Regional Chamber Gulmira Dzhazina, 42 training courses were held in the region, 687 people took part in them.

Theoretical and practical part included such areas of agribusiness, as: plant cultivation (production, processing of cereals, oilseeds, fodder crops, potato), animal husbandry (processing of meat and dairy products, dairy cattle breeding, pedigree conversion, etc.).


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