The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Breed requires care!

- Kostanay Region
14167 просмотров

Free seminar for farmers were held in Karabalyk District

It is impossible to develop livestock breeding without a number of conditions. These are financial investment and time-consuming, and regular updating of knowledge baggage. And if in terms of money the state provides targeted support through special programs, and as for the care of thoroughbred cattle they have to do it themselves. Unfortunately, not as often as they would like it. To this opinion arrived breeders from Karabalyk district, which the day before participated in a free seminar at the Center of Agricultural Competence of NCE RK "Atameken". Training was dedicated to conversion of pedigree cattle. Kostanai livestock breeders are quite active. Aberdeen Angus and Hereford are common at farms. But it is one thing to buy and to improve the breed, but the other - to provide foreign cows with proper care.

One of the main conditions, says lecturer Zhangabyl Akinbaev - proper nutrition. Often, breeders face the elementary problems. "Cattle gets weaker and the population asks: what is the reason? Cattle feed supply is very highly developed abroad. Cattle gets many elements and minerals, which is necessary for their productive functions and productivity. They are imported to Kazakhstan, but here the conditions of nutrition are quite different. And if there is no good food – there is no quality, not weight gain. From the first day you must provide them with special additives. Though it is expensive pleasure, but without you can’t do", - said Zhangabyl Akinbaev.

In the case of transportation directly from abroad, continues lecturer, together with the bulls "travel" specific diseases, which are manifested upon change of climatic conditions. Only competent specialist can identify and remove them in time, so do not spare money on a competent veterinarian. Demand upon purchase the immunization documents.

Why offspring produced on the spot is suffering, after the crossing - a separate issue. Such questions the participants attacked the lecturer Maria Abisheva. Residents of Karabalyk asked about proper maintenance of newborn calves, and about the time of vaccinations. They were interested in what they should know when buying breeding animals.

"They often complain on thelaziasis - it is a problem with the eyes, it is characteristic of the Kazakh white-headed breed. The reason, as a rule, in of delayed or incorrect eye treatment. At seminars, I try to talk about the treatment of specific species, cite different schemes of vaccination and feeding. People have general knowledge, but they do not whom to to consult on the particular problems sometimes. So I leave to each my contact details and the call-center of NCE in order to keep in touch constantly", - says Maria Abisheva.

To learn how to vaccinate and provide the feeding of pedigree animals, the students were able to learn in the framework of the practical part of the workshop by visiting LLP "North Agro H". This company – is one of the largest in the region, which is engaged in breeding Aberdeen Angus bulls. Tribal core was imported in 2011 from Australia, based on the best genetic indicators, and currently, they have received the fourth litter. And they grow bulls both for conversion breed and slaughter, "marble" meat of young angus is highly valued by gourmets.

"This year, we leave litter for the first to increase the breeding stock, from 2.5 to 4 thousand heads. We are currently constructing the maternity ward, we are building sheds for calves. In general, we try to provide the natural ecological environment, open-air habitats for animals. Australian technology is adapted to our climate", - said the executive director of "Agro North H" Nurbolat Kutkuzhaev.

Modern technology is really at every step here. "Electric shepherd" is looking after animals on pastures of LLP "North Agro H" (live wire to prevent animals departing from the territory). Electric solar panels are used for watering. They produce energy for pumps that automatically pump and drain water from the drinkers. Vaccination and blood sampling is carried out in a special "split", where animals like on the carousel, walking in a circle, putting the right places. In short, if not Australia, somewhere near. No coincidence that this company conducts annual auctions for the sale of breeding animals, which attracts buyers from across the region and even the border regions of Russia.

At the end of the seminar asked whether such knowledge is useful for simple villagers? The answer was clear - definitely. Here they get free consultations, for which they have to pay at other places. In animal husbandry, the slightest mistake can wipe out years of effort. And it is better, if the skills acquired will help to avoid such mistakes.


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