The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Farmers know how to apply new knowledge

- Pavlodar Region
10373 просмотров

Livestock breeders of Shcherbakty district master modern technology of feed preparation

Workshops for farmers are organized by the Centre of agrarian competence of NCE RK in order to provide rural producers with the results of science, technology and innovation, as well as implementation of the acquired knowledge in the agricultural production.

Theoretical and practical classes were held at the site of the advanced farm LLP "Abai", on the basis of which successfully operate the country's largest feedlots of 1 category, designed for 10 thousand heads of cattle. At such facilities the  cattle breeders fatten the cattle to the desired marketable condition.

One of the main tasks of the company is the effective development of agriculture, including the supply of high-quality meat products, since meat is one of the most widely consumed foods. All products manufactured by the company are certified. In addition, LLP "Abai" grows forage crops for quality fattening of animals.

During the seminar, managers of farms got acquainted with the modern technologies of preparation of fodder and intensive animal rearing, they examined the effects of stress on the increase of weight of calves in feedlots. They also got the necessary knowledge about the content of nutrients in the feed and other vital substances that are the basis of animal feed. Zoo technical analysis of fodders should be conducted for this, in which the content is determined for such indicators as dry matter, crude protein, fat, fiber and others.

According to the head of the peasant farm Telzhan Mashenov, training seminars are very important and have great significance for the people involved in animal husbandry. After the information received at the workshop, the farmer is going to improve the system of intensive animal rearing, which, respectively, will increase the weight of cattle. In addition, the head of the peasant farm has plans to create an agricultural cooperative with the aim of increasing the number of cattle. The cooperation will help farmers to improve their productivity, it will help to address issues of marketing of agricultural products, as well as the provision of veterinary services.

The participants noted that the practical application of advanced methods of fodder conservation, presented by lecturers of the Center, will promote quality fattening process of animals. 

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