The national chamber of entrepreneurs


An additional billion tenge is allocated on the microcreditaion of women business

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Money is allocated by the "Narodnyi Bank of Kazakhstan" within the framework of the memorandum with the Business Women's Council

"Women's entrepreneurship in our country has a rich historical background, and in a number of industries the number of businesswomen is comparable or even exceeds the number of male entrepreneurs, for example, in the food industry, retail trade, education and healthcare. The large potential of women's entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan is also confirmed by our statistics: the demand for soft loans under the program and the number of applications approved by us significantly exceeded the expected level. At the same time, the quality of business plans turned out to be quite high, and the projects themselves are interesting and socially important.

We are pleased with this opportunity to satisfy a large social order for the support and development of entrepreneurial activity among Kazakhstani women," - Umut Shayakhmetova, Chairman of the Board of "Narodnyi Bank of Kazakhstan", said.


Thus, the volume of financing of women's entrepreneurship projects by the bank has increased to 2 billion tenge. Originally announced limit of 1 billion tenge was mastered ahead of schedule - by the end of August this year. Since the launch of the program (end of June 2018), about 750 women entrepreneurs have been consulted, 249 of whom have applied for loans. For today 81 target loans intended for realization of business projects in various branches of economy are given out under the program: healthcare, trade, transport and household services. Currently, the bank has 85 applications under consideration.

"In this program, the "Atameken" Business Women's Council took on a very important component in the training and counseling of the business ladies. It's not enough just to get a loan. It is very important to understand how competently and in what direction this or that business project will develop in order to minimize all existing risks. That's why every woman, when she applies for a loan to the Bank or the Regional Chamber, receives the necessary support in the form of writing a business plan, if necessary, a marketing study is conducted to determine the potential profitability of the project. On this issue, Atameken has close communication with the Bank. It is noteworthy that more than 50 million were issued under the program for completely new business projects, that is, we give women the opportunity to turn their hobbies and dreams into a profitable business," - Lazzat Ramazanova, chairman of the Atameken Business Women's Council, says.

Recall that under the terms of the program, loans are granted for a period of up to 5 years, at a rate of 5-7% per annum for any type of business, including start-ups. .

The program for financing women's business projects was announced during the Congress of Business Women of Kazakhstan, which took place in June 2018 in Astana, after the conclusion of a memorandum between the Council of Business Women of the NCE RK "Atameken" and the "Narodnyi Bank of Kazakhstan".

The purpose of the joint program is the creation of an effective system of microcrediting of the subjects of women's entrepreneurship to further stimulate the production and filling of the market with goods and services, as well as the assistance to young entrepreneurs in gaining experience in running their own business.

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