The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana helped to implement 34 projects of businesswomen

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II Forum "Oasis of business ideas" of the Council of Businesswomen was held in Astana

In order to provide practical assistance to budding entrepreneurs, as well as to stimulate economic activity of the businesswoman of the capital, at the forum were discussed measures of public and private support and development of small and medium-sized businesses. Businesswoman, including from Azerbaijan, shared their experiences of building a successful business, brand promotion in social networks, spoke about the promising directions of development of business.

The Chair of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Bagila Bisembaeva noted that the Council was established just over a year ago and during that time has proved itself to be an effective tool to support women's entrepreneurship among the capital's business community.

"We can’t say that we have made some tremendous things, but as far as possible, we have made every effort to promote small and medium business in Astana with a woman's face", - she said.

The head of the city council demonstrated digital data showing the results of the community of businesswomen. According to her, out 285 appeals of businesswomen submitted this year to the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs,  259 were resolved positively. 34 investment projects of entrepreneurs were implemented with the support of RCE. The total amount of investment projects of women entrepreneurs - 850 million tenge. There were held nearly 43 training seminars, meetings and other events for women entrepreneurs. "For example, the grant was approved for IE" Daut "Karlygash Balginbekova, who used it to open a studio cafe in Astana, IE "Mergen" Saule Onalbaeva, who opened "Ata baksha" day care for the elderly. The total amount of investment projects of women entrepreneurs has reached more than 850 million tenge", - said Bagila Bisembaeva.

"Members of the Council actively developed mentoring. As a result, of the support of one of the members of the Council of Businesswomen Kaddish Seralinova one of the novice business ladies was able to open a mini-bakery. During the year, the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana has signed memorandums of cooperation with the Akimat of Astana, Kazakh State University and business consulting company “Huahe International”, which organized the visit of its members to two exhibitions of Expo in China", - she added.

Chair of the Republican Council of Businesswomen of NCE "Atameken", Head of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE Lyazzat Ramazanova quoted the data of “Ernst and Young”, according to which the company has come to the conclusion that the development of women's entrepreneurship is gaining momentum in the world. "Year after year, it grows. By 2030, 75% of the costs of the global economy will be in the hands of women. Why not? A woman knows how to count, to spend money wisely. I wish you all success! It's not easy to combine the qualities of house wife, a respected leader, a loving mother", - she said.

"I admire those businesswomen who find time to conduct master classes for beginning entrepreneurs. Knowledge is more important than funding. The methodology of action and skills of running new business are much more important than the loan rate", - said Lyazzat Ramazanova.

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