The national chamber of entrepreneurs


PPP should improve the quality of services and reduce government spending on the social sphere - Timur Kulibayev

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Atameken will monitor compliance with standards and qualification requirements of PPP facilities

The problems and perspectives of public-private partnership were voiced by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev at the meeting of Astana akim with businessmen of the capital. As the head of Atameken noted, the National Chamber together with the Government are focused on active implementation of PPP, as today it is one of the effective tools for improving and expanding business.

"For business and the state - this is a new experience, so now there is very cautious attitude to PPP. We analyzed these issues and suggest developing model projects based on the capital. In general, these are pre-school institutions, educational, medical, sports facilities, social infrastructure. Now we propose to test the ten projects on the basis of the capital and in 2019 to spread the positive experience throughout the country. At the same time, it is extremely important that the quality of objects does not decrease, so new demands will be made for new "managers"", - Timur Kulibayev said.

He proposed to develop such PPP conditions that would suit the akimat, borrowers, and second-tier banks. The Chairman of the Presidium drew attention to the existing problems that need to be addressed. One of them is the annual signing of contracts.

"Now the norm is stipulated, according to which the projects will be concluded for a period of three years or more. There is already a consensus, the law has been amended accordingly. It will be comfortable for potential participants", - said Timur Kulibayev.

At the same time, the head of "Atameken" proposed to prepare programs for retraining personnel, so that labor collectives also become full participants in public-private partnership. He appealed to the akim of Astana, with a proposal to determine the university, on the basis of which it will be possible to create a methodological program for training and retraining specialists for participation in PPP processes.

"The most important thing is to take into account the qualification requirements, the standards in the social sphere must be observed: healthcare, education, nutrition, etc. We will strictly monitor the quality of all projects so that the very idea of PPP is not discredited. Moreover, we will accompany these projects until they stand on the "real rails. We also need to connect existing government programs to the process, so that there is an opportunity to reduce the costs of entrepreneurs in participating in PPPs. PPP should improve the quality of services and reduce government spending on the social sphere. Thus, the task that the Head of State has set for all of us, to bring the share of state property to 15% by 2020, we will fulfill it", - said Timur Kulibayev.

In general, as Timur Kulibayev noted, today the business climate in the capital is an example for all regions of Kazakhstan. In all respects, Astana remains the leader in the field of entrepreneurship support, in large part due to the close interaction of the akimat with the business community.

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