The national chamber of entrepreneurs


What would Kazakh business do for the safety of people?

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On this topic, the NCE RK "Atameken" held a round table by videoconference under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Committee for SME Development of the Presidium of the National Chamber Raimbek Batalov. The NCE acted as the initiator of the dialogue platform, with the invitation of representatives of large shopping centers of Kazakhstan, entrepreneurs engaged in trade and services to people, state bodies, representatives of the Emergency Situations Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and public figures. Earlier, "Atameken" voiced a position on the need to strengthen public control.

Participants discussed and proposed measures to prevent similar situations (the tragedy in Kemerovo), as well as systemic measures to regulate activities in public places.

The tragedy in Kemerovo affected the society. We believe that such terrible incidents, especially with so many victims, should not happen. Today's event will allow to develop measures of an operational and systemic nature aimed at preventing such situations. Raimbek Batalov opened the round table.

No contact with society

Speaking about prevention, Chairman of the Board of Astana Group Nurlan Smagulov admitted that during his own inspections in MEGA, shortcomings were identified and eliminated. The lack of contact with society was identified as another problem.

"There is no contact with society. We decided to create public councils at MEGA. Invite people to point out shortcomings themselves. The requirements of state bodies and society are different. Even the emergency exit signs are out of date. They were developed many years ago. Now the mall is very big. In MEGA Silkway a sign (evacuation plan) is not visible, but it is approved by building norms and regulations. We want to work out this issue with such a public council, "Nurlan Smagulov suggests.

In the ourse of prevention, the business is ready for an unpredictable step - it initiates inspections at its facilities. According to Nurlan Smagulov, the signing of memorandums with the Emergency Department of Almaty and Astana on unscheduled inspections in large shopping centers was initiated, adding that Kazakhstani businesses need to "think more about civil responsibility and about the public safety council" that could be created under the " Atameken. "

The businessman also pointed to the most important problem in his opinion: visitors do not know how to act in such situations.

"We need to consolidate our work, we will provide all our areas for free, our people will work on the issue, but specialists need to help. (...) Only organizational, laborious work of business, government agencies and society will help to avoid such losses (tragedy in Kemerovo), "Nurlan Smagulov suggested.

We do need to nip it in the bud

All proposals were received positively and the business expressed its readiness to support them.

Vice President of "National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Serik Rustambekov, gave suggestions that can and should be considered at the stage of designing and commissioning of large facilities.

"Imagine the situation, today about 15 thousand organizations have licenses for design. (...) I have big doubts about their qualifications. The procedure for obtaining a license was simplified to a simple purchase, can you imagine? It is necessary to toughen requirements " - the expert considers.

Children's zone should be located on the first floor, Serik Rustambekov believes.

All the crowded places are the children's attractions. Cafes located on the upper floors. This is due to the rules of trade: children always pull upstairs, and parents can buy something on each floor along the way. In this regard, probably, one should listen to the opinion of Russian experts, consider the option of moving the place of a mass gathering of people, specifically, children, lower, closer to the exit. Here we are stepping on the "business throat", but not always what is good for business is good for people's safety, we clearly understand it. Explained Serik Rustambekov.

What will become a panacea?

In turn, Kairat Mazhibayev outlined his position presenting previously sounded proposals on the security and the initiative of compulsory insurance.

"The panacea will be the creation of the right control environment for visitors," the Chairman of the Commerce Committee of the NCE Presidium Kairat Mazhibayev said.

In the opinion of Yulia Yakupbayeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK Atameken , the requirements for different types of buildings must be different, that is why we should not talk about developing unified requirements for shopping centers and other buildings, but about creating a road map for ensuring security which will be presented with separate requirements for each type of such structures.

 "A whole set of measures is needed to solve problems. (...) It is clear that the business is ready for self-regulation burden, but it is necessary to observe the balance, "Yulia Yakupbaeva said, adding that "Atameken" began discussing the possibility of introducing liability insurance for owners of shopping centers both with the market and with the regulator, which is the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Public control shall exist

"It is very important for us to interact with the business community, generally with public councils. (...) But the public opinion is important to us and the Emergency Committee is open to dialogue on any platforms, "said Sabit Bitayev, the first deputy chairman of the Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Summing up the discussion, Raimbek Batalov said that the business supported the initiative of the NCE on the establishment of the Public Council for Strengthening Control.

"Business should be ready for this. The inspections will be conducted openly, with the participation of the NCE, public figures, preventing corruption components. This should be a "two-way traffic". This is very important," Raimbek Batalov summed up.

Atameken announced it will accept all business proposals on the discussed issue for developing systemic measures, including at the legislative level.

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