The national chamber of entrepreneurs


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Business and active ladies of Kazakhstan and Russia intend to assist each other in the areas of business development, establishing a constructive dialogue, economic and cultural exchange

This was stated by the chairman of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Lyazzat Ramazanova, and director general of the news agency “the Union of women’s forces” on support of civic initiatives and the projects of the Russian Federation Natalia Urmatskih announced today during the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the two organizations.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Lyazzat Ramazanova noted friendly relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, a high level of integration processes between the two countries, including in the sphere of business.

"From 2005 to 2015 the Russian business invested in Kazakhstan about 9 billion USD, and Kazakhstan's business in Russia - more than 3 billion. There is dynamic growth of cross-border trade. In this regard, cooperation of business woman of the two countries is a natural, and the signing of the Agreement with the Union of Women's Forces – is a logical continuation of this work with a view to strengthening cooperation in the field of development of women's entrepreneurship", - said Lyazzat Ramazanova.

She stressed that the main aim of the Council of Business Women of NCE is to increase the activity of woman in business environment and the involvement of the largest possible number of them in the enterpreneurship. Today, the contribution of Kazakhstani women in the formation of the country's GDP reaches 40%. More than 41.5% of small and medium enterprises of the country are headed by women. On 1st of January  2016 their number reached about 700 thousand, which is 70 thousand more than in 2015.

 In turn, Natalia Urmatskih noted soft power of women, through which they can help to solve important problems for men.

"Union of Women's Forces for support of civic initiatives and projects of the Russian Federation began its work under the auspices of the Association of Women's Organizations. And our movement today is very good and is developing dynamically, because women in nature like brainstorming and problem solving. We can solve the issues in a soft and flexible manner, which men are used to solve with strength and rigidity. Therefore, the aim of the Union of Women’s Forces – is to unite all the women's organizations in the Eurasian space to help our men to establish international relations and the world", - said Natalia Urmatskih.

Talking about the features of Kazakh business woman, Lyazzat Ramazanova stressed such historically grafted qualities as freedom of thought and freedom of choice.

"Kazakhstani women are historically grown as free daughters of steppes and always endeavor to develop. Therefore, today in Kazakhstan there is a tendency to an increase in women's business. When the Council of business women was created, I still offered to get away from the word "female", because business is not divided into gender. However, experience has shown that women need more support, including moral. And so now, when business woman show that we can successfully grow our business, and not only in the domestic market, it is a great incentive for other entrepreneurs", - summed up Lazzat Ramazanova.

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