The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Over 550 professional standards will be developed in Kazakhstan by 2020

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Professional standards, as a component of the National Kazakhstani qualification system, is a set of professional requirements to functions, skills and knowledge for the profession at the national level. It will suggest (PS) systematization of the entire list of occupations (Qualifier of occupations), which is ​​required both for public sector agencies, and educational institutions.

On January 1, 2016 came into force amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development, introduction, replacement and revision of professional standards by employers' associations and their approval by NCE RK "Atameken".

In previous years (2013-2015), MHSD of RK made an order for the development of professional standards with line ministries. The developers of professional standards became winners of tenders of sectoral ministries.

The result funds for the development of professional standards were "saved" due to cheap bids in the course of public procurement, when submitting quotations. As a result of competition of public procurement, some organizations did professional standards with price lower up to 45% of the approved cost.

The predominance of economic interest of organizations - developers due to understated cost of development of professional standards and the low level of involvement in this work of experts from industry associations continue to play an integral role, thus, resulting in insufficient level of quality of developed professional standards.

As a result of innovations, the difficulties that existed in previous years in the development of professional standards were overcome:

1. In most cases, the line ministries didn’t agree the terms of reference for the development of professional standards with NCE RK "Atameken".

2. There was no access to information about the organizations - winners of the competition for the development of professional standards and the actual amounts of concluded agreements with them.

3. Draft of professional standards were sent for examination to NCE RK "Atameken", without explanatory notes which describe the process of development of the professional standard (results of the analysis of the industry and the area of professional activity, professional qualifications maps with explanation of exclusion of old and inclusion of new trades).

4. Interim results of organizations - developers were not brought to the attention of industry associations and NCE RK "Atameken", during consideration of which at the stage of development it was possible to take into account comments and suggestions of industry associations.

Currently, NCE RK "Atameken" developed and agreed with industry associations the rules for approval of professional standards by NCE RK. These rules are based on the Rules of development, administration, replacement and revision of professional standards, approved by the order of MHSD RK dated by December 28, 2015 # 1035.

According to the Rules of NCE RK, after its approval at a meeting of the relevant Committee, the professional standard is approved by order of the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", it is entered in the register of professional standards and posted on the website of NCE.

Since January 2016 the Department of Human Capital Development NCE RK held weekly workshops with experts of relevant secretariats of committees of NCE, with representatives of industry associations and state agencies on improvement of professional standards.

All the basic regulations and guidelines for the development of professional standards are posted on the website of NCE RK in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

All the drafts of standards, which were sent to NCE RK, are posted on the web-site of NCE for a preliminary discussion before approval.

Funding and work on the development of the foundation of the National Qualification System of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NQS) in 2016 will be continued under the new Partnership Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development under the project "Development of skills and stimulation of jobs". Period of implementation of the project is 5 years (until 2020). It is planned to develop more than 550 professional standards within the project (70 PS in 2016).

Draft professional standards were approved by the Committee by the majority of votes.

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