The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The National Chamber develops professional standards

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Funding of the project is expected from the components of the World Bank

There were introduced amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 1st of January 2016, based on which NCE RK "Atameken" approves drafts of professional standards, developed by industry associations. Approval of drafts of professional standards is carried by branch secretariats of the Chamber and at meetings of industry committees of NCE RK.

At present, there was developed and offered for discussion by industry associations a draft of the Rules for approval of professional standards by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".  

"As representatives of the business community, we announced to take responsibility for organizing the development of professional standards, so the industry committee and the Secretariat, together with industry associations must be more active on this issue", - said the director of the department of human capital NCE RK Lyazzat Shonaeva.

The Chamber plans to organize work on the development, approval of standards in the framework of the component "Development of skills and stimulation of jobs" – the project of the World Bank. The project is part of the Partnership Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The project is financed by World Bank loan from 2016 to 2020. On the passage of the tender procedure, industry associations have the right to develop professional standards in the framework of the loan.

"Just this week we received a letter on amendments to the rules for the development of standards. There was made an addition: "At the expense of employers and membership fees of NCE". We are categorically against this position, we have repeatedly expressed. We have only one chance now - the project of the World Bank", - said Shonaeva.

According to her, in the near future NCE will conduct an audit of all previously developed standards, which were adopted and subject for approval. In addition, today MHSD announced the need for reapproval all applicable professional standards in connection with the entry into force of the new Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"Considering all the factors, together with the involved industry associations, the Secretariat should identify the areas and types of work, which are necessary for development of professional standards. I ask during the period until February 12, to analyze carefully and to provide a specific list", - said director of the department.

On the web-portal of the Chamber will be gradually placed all the necessary regulatory documentation: orders, instructions, methodical recommendations.

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