The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Muslim Amangeldy: We turned a subsidiary into a "home" for entrepreneurs

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Director of the Uighur district Chamber about how was opened the first branch of RCE of Almaty region and why it should be headed by a representative of the business

- Muslim Muslimovich, tell us how was a local branch created? How did you get into the structure of NCE?

For the first time I learnt about the establishment of the regional branch of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs at the end of 2013. I then could not imagine that I will work in a given structure. While in conversation with entrepreneurs, I heard a lot of complaints about the existing land issues and other systematic problems of operating business. Therefore, I was very pleased that it the new organization will be engaged in the support and protection of the business community. On the other hand, I had an active desire to help colleagues. Then I decided to apply for the position of a branch manager. Having successfully passed the interview. I immediately understood the essence of the activities, but the mechanisms of operation have been developed in the future. Thus, on 13th of March 2014 in Chungju, opened its first regional branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region.

- What difficulties did you encounter at the early stages of work?

As elsewhere first time during the formation of the organization – is the most difficult. Business representatives were reluctant for contact. They all had questions: How exactly will you protect the business? How can you help? What are the results? Many believed that we would get the money for rendered services. Here, of course, helped my experience in business and the state structure - the ability to talk on equal terms, persuasion and professionalism have made the business. Prior to joining the business I worked for more than 6 years in the civil service - the chief specialist of the regional maslikhat, after adviser to akim. Well-established contacts, recognition among the business community played its role.

- How did you get started, and how was it perceived by entrepreneurs?

In the first place, we held meetings with businessmen, went to rural districts, met with residents and local executive bodies. We discussed the problematic issues and mapped out the direction in which it was necessary to build up the work of the branch as a whole. In addition, for about 3-4 months, we went to the markets, shops, to see businesses to record their pressing questions. Imagine, at the beginning we are looking for problems, requests and complaints. Then people already knew about the Chamber, where to come and what documents are needed.

- Tell me, how were the relations with local authorities and government agencies?

Relations with local government bodies on the ground were good due to the fact that I myself had previously worked in this area, so the relationship remained confidential. However, at the beginning, many were shocked, because we have detected errors and omissions of local akimats and departments. Particularly controversial issues were the allocation and use of land and taxation. After a while we managed to change the situation. Head of the department of land relations has been removed from his post, a number of akims of rural areas had been reprimanded.

- Now we know that the branch has established a fairly good relationship with the authorities. How do you do it?

It is the same experience and great confidence in the entrepreneurs themselves. Local officials understand that business can get effective assistance only at the branch of RCE. Public authorities, supporting entrepreneurs, develop our economy. As the business – is the basis of our stability. We also proved that, if the Chamber took up the case, the truth is on its side. For example, after the conclusion of our economic opinion the plant for the processing of leather and wool has been allocated additional land for storage space, as well as power and water supply lines were connected to it.

- What main achievements can be noted within 2.5 years of activity of the branch of the Chamber?

During this time, more than 2.5 thousand entrepreneurs and residents of Uygur region approached us. Today the whole area knows our branch as an organization that actually provides business support. Even entrepreneurs and residents of rural areas know our staff and at any time they can call and consult us. Our branch has become a real "home" for our business. It is also an important achievement that we have created a platform for dialogue between business and government. In addition, we raised the issue of reducing the mining tax rates at the republican level, we resolved the issue on land relations. We have provided assistance to accompaniment of projects "Chundzha Agro", "Agro Farm", "Apple World", "KazMaly", "Dana Nectar" and others.

- In addition to working at RCE, you are heading the company "Agro KazRos". How do you have time to run the business and still work with the business community? Why is it important to work at the Chamber of entrepreneurs?

I believe that a representative of the business should head the branch, as he must know the whole inside of the business problem. For a man far from the business, it will be difficult to work with the business community. Thanks to the competent and skilled staff, I manage to run business and to work at the Chamber. On the other hand, I see that the Chamber of Entrepreneurs – is a unique organization, which for 3 years has done more for business than others - for decades. The results of our joint work inspire and motivate us to perform new tasks and initiatives.


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