The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Business-woman from the region: Address to the Chamber!

- Akmola Region
9160 просмотров

The head of the Regional Council of Business Women Kukarshin Beksultanova encourages business not to spend money on hiring of managers

The business woman, as a head of the publishing house "Keleshek-2030" for the past 15 years, knows firsthand what kind of problems can appear on the way of the start up business. So we talked to her about the 3-year-old path that passed the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and its importance for business today.

- What role does NCE play in the life of business?

- First of all, NCE has established a mechanism for elaborating laws that benefit both business and society as a whole. Entrepreneurs in the regions voice their opinion, as a result information comes to those people, who are working on laws. That is, everyone is involved today, I think every more or less active entrepreneur can consider himself as a participant of the legislative process

Most importantly, we are confident that we are protected. In simple and accessible language, we have a "roof", we know that professionals guard our rights and interests.

- How do business women- members of the Council of Business Women feel the support of the Chamber of entrepreneurs?

- First of all, we try to figure out what problems women entrepreneurs have, in what they are experiencing difficulties and, of course, we try to assist them. Our main goal is to unite women entrepreneurs, so that they are not on their own, not left alone with their problems.

- What issues mostly concern businesswomen?

- In my opinion, the problems of business (both women and men) are common. Many are concerned about the issue of concessional financing. Although I personally will put in the first place the lack of knowledge, ignorance about basic legal benefits. Quite often our business develops on its own; it is not a "science". Having money in hands, the entrepreneur does not always know how to use them properly.

And thanks to the various tools of NCE, in recent years these issues find their solution. There's the "Business Communication" and "Elder seniors" and "Business Advisor", and "Business Growth". A lot of different components, consulting services - this is a powerful business support! Speaking to businessmen, I want to bring the leitmotif of my reasoning: use the maximum possibilities provided to you, be active.

- Go to the Chamber?

- Yes, please contact the Chamber! After all, every businessman needs a manager, which he will hire (and considerable), invite, even from abroad. This is the issue of attraction and rational use of resources - we discussed it everywhere.

With confidence I can say that during the work the Chamber has won the trust business. And confidence is based on what? It is built on the openness and effectiveness of decisions and initiatives. Today NCE poses major problems, in resolution of which are actively involved regions, they have joint field activities in the interests of business and the state. We see it firsthand.

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