The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Know goods made in Karaganda!

- Karaganda Region
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Karaganda residents discovered new brands during competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan-2016"

Young designer Ulyana Krylova makes doll houses. Her creative workshop takes part in the exhibition for the first time, so increased attention was paid to her products. "Our workshop has started just two months ago. We use in the production birch plywood, we paint items with hypoallergenic, non-toxic water-based acrylic paints. We have already got all the necessary certificates of compliance, so the safety of our products is confirmed. Meanwhile, we sell toys through the Internet - trade in social networks is better than in stores. We plan to expand the range after the purchase of the necessary equipment", - says the head of the studio.

Another newcomer - an individual entrepreneur Vyacheslav Muromtsev from Temirtau is engaged in tailoring footwear. Like many other players of the light industry in the region, Vyacheslav started with the implementation of orders for industrial enterprises, then he went out to the mass market. "So far, we sew mainly special shoes - for the factory workers, construction workers, we work with dance groups, we manufacture dance shoes for any model. We have revived the sewing of long-forgotten shoes, such as boots for shepherds and folk games "Kokpar". A lot of attention is paid to making an orthopedic children's and casual adult’s shoes", - said the manufacturer.

LLP Sunpaper from Saransk will soon compete with eminent manufacturers of hygienic paper products. Despite the short period of existence, the company has managed to earn the good reputation - it supplies large organizations: commercial banks, national railway of Kazakhstan. During the second year of participation in the competition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan", the company won the second degree diploma in the nomination "The best goods for the population".

Another discovery of Karaganda became the company "Eurasia Invest Ltd” from Osakarovsk district - it is the only company in the country, which has launched production of dry mare's milk. The products were presented at the exhibition, which is exported only abroad, as the domestic market is saturated with natural mare's milk. The company received a second degree diploma in the nomination "The Best food product".

Ulytau district was represented at the exhibition by "Bass kon" - talkan producer and the Kazakh national dessert - Zhent. Products are popular among residents of Zhezkazgan district, but the Manager Shayakhmet Umbetov intends shortly to provide with treats the entire region. "Talkan – is a unique product, rich and useful. It was an important product of the nomads: the food rapidly saturates a person, and supports the traveler during long travel. This is an excellent food for those suffering from diabetes, liver disease, allergies. Talkan is included in weight loss programs! "- Shares the secrets of his product Sh. Umbetov

Consumers of Karaganda region have a wide choice. Now in the region there are manufacturers of almost all kinds of food, consumer goods - from clothing and shoes to toys and furniture; it has its own manufacturers of accessories: jewelry and handbags. For example, a couple of Kairbekovs tries not to miss exhibitions of local goods, they buy food things only produced in Karaganda. "In general, there is nothing unrealistic in it. The manufactures of the region produce food products, winter and summer clothes and shoes for children, bicycles, as well as furniture. Only carpets are of Shymkent origin”, - says the head of the family Rustam.

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