The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Participant of "Altyn Sapa" plans to enter the Persian market

- Karaganda Region
8278 просмотров

LLP "NPO Defektoskopiya" offers non-destructive testing services

The Karaganda company nominated for the Presidential Award of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" is one of the leading enterprises that conducts non-destructive testing in the oil and gas industry, energy, mining and metallurgy. Since the metal has the properties to become obsolete, problematic places appear that eventually can affect technogenic consulting. That, accordingly, may entail not only financial losses.

According to Adil Upabayev, co-founder of the company in developed countries, defectoscopy is rapidly progressing, artificial intelligence is being used, and qualitative analytics are being conducted. Despite the fact that Kazakhstan is a little behind and uses Soviet methods, there is development. The company constantly conducts research projects of various types in order to develop its own method. At the moment the company uses equipment of Russian, Chinese, American and Japanese production.

"Currently we are working on one development, which is supported by NATR. We plan to enter commercialization at best. In general, there are many directions, methods too. For example, there are specialized and complicated methods, it is possible to conduct in-line diagnostics (ultrasonic, combined). There are various magnetic methods that can diagnose pipes that are underground in the depths of up to 2-3 meters", - explains Adil Upabayev.

As it turned out, the demand for a service for nondestructive testing in the country is great. One of the major customers of LLP NPO Defektoskopia is KazMunaiGas and other energy companies.

In addition, the export-oriented Karaganda enterprise has a subsidiary in the economic zone "Istok" in the city of Fryazino in the Moscow region.

"It is now prequalifying for Transneft, then to diagnose their oil pipelines, gas pipelines, and other facilities", - Adil Upabayev said.

Partnership relations with Tajikistan are actively developing, negotiations are underway with the Japanese. They take a direct part in government programs and participate in exit tours and forums "KAZNEXINVEST".

The young LLP has impressive plans. One of the main priorities is entering the Persian market. Steps in this direction have already been made. The company also intends to invite KazMunaiGaz to jointly conduct research, obtain permission to collect general data, and connect artificial intelligence, which could predict a potential man-caused dangerous zone.

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