The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Business Ombudsman paid working visit to Akmola region

- Akmola Region
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Within the framework of his working visit, Bolat Palymbetov, Ombudsman for the Protection of the rights of Entrepreneurs of RK, held a meeting with Kanat Idrissov, Deputy Akim of the Akmola region, during which the parties discussed the pressing issues of regional business. On the same day, the Business Ombudsman held a personal reception for entrepreneurs.

 The Institute of Business Ombudsmen has been operating for more than five years. Over the years, it has received more than 17,000 appeals in the field of business protection. Approximately 46% of the appeals find a full or partial solution. The number of protected property rights of entrepreneurs was 110.8 billion tenge. These are cancelled fines, penalties, cancelled arrests, property returned or retained by the businessman. The largest number of appeals were received in the sphere of land relations - 17%, tax - 9%, procurement - 7% and complaints against law enforcement agencies - 8%.

 All systemic problems of business are consolidated in a single Register, it includes 612 issues. The greatest number of problems is encountered in the spheres of construction, urban planning and architecture, transport, logistics and communications, medical and pharmaceutical industry, technical and vocational education, procurement. As of today, 454 problems have already been solved (74%). At the stage of solving 46 issues (7.5%), at the discussion with state bodies - 112 (19.6%).

 According to Bolat Palymbetov, analyzing the results of his trips by region, he concluded that the problems are systemic ones. Many of them can be solved at the local level.

 "Following the norms of the Land Code, local executive bodies are obliged to place information with lists of persons who received the land plot. The information should be exhaustive. It should have all details: grounds for granting a land plot, purpose, area, location, lease term, etc. All of this should be placed on special information stands in places accessible to the public and published on the website of the relevant authorized body. Only 82 akimats of districts and cities out of 203 akimats in the country posted such information. The Akmola region was not an exception. In June, three districts out of 18 districts did not post information in time," the Business Ombudsman said.

According to the Deputy Director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Shyngys Temir, the deficiency of solid waste landfills, the use of funds for environmental activities, the sale of land through auctions, the lack of a number of objects of non-stationary trade, etc. are the key issues of regional business.

The solution to these problems should be the implementation of the Roadmap for Cooperation between the Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of RK and the Akim of Akmola region. In the document, all problematic issues and mechanisms of their settlement are stated on points.

 At the end of the meeting, Bolat Palymbetov held a personal reception of entrepreneurs on the issues of violations of their rights and systemic problems of business.

For example, several forest user companies, including Ak-Biik LLP, applied for termination of long-term forest use contracts by state institutions. State agencies motivate their arguments by a repeated violation of the terms of contracts. However, the contracts were registered with the authorized body.

 Representatives of the pharmaceutical industry have their problematic issues. As you know, according to the order of the Minister of Health, the list of prescription drugs has been expanded, which, in turn, are kept for 3 years.

 The authorized body has developed a draft of a new list of prescription drugs. The list significantly reduces the number of prescription drugs, which will have a positive impact on the activities of pharmacists. However, the draft of the new list is still not approved. It is just hanging in the Ministry of Health.

 In addition, the Rules for Regulation of Prices for Medicinal Products, as well as the marginal prices for the trade name of a medicinal product for retail and wholesale sale, have been approved.

 From now on, pharmacies have to sell many items of medicines to consumers below the purchase prices, and therefore representatives of the pharmaceutical industry incur significant losses.

 The users of rail lines of the Akmola region do not agree with the method of calculation of their use of railway tracks, which is used by the Transport Service Center JSC in the conclusion of contracts for services of access roads. Numerous complaints about the actions of the Transport Service Center JSC have long been received from different regions of Kazakhstan. In addition to the growth of tariffs of the Transport Service Center JSC, methods of payment for the passage of the train on the railway tracks back and forth, branch users are forced to pay for the length of the track, on which their cars do not even go.

 About ten entrepreneurs from the region attended the personal reception of the Business Ombudsman. Bolat Palymbetov took personal control of all appeals.

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