The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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Problematic issues on promoting the export of Kazakhstani goods and the possibility of improving support tools were discussed at the "Atameken" site.

The working meeting was chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" Yulia Yakupbaeva, with the participation of the business community and representatives of government agencies.

During the meeting, questions were raised about the effectiveness of existing instruments of support, barriers to the promotion of Kazakhstani goods to foreign markets, the possibility of improving export support mechanisms and instruments.

Yulia Yakupbaeva stressed that within the framework of the EAEU Business Council, the issue of building a dialogue on assisting manufacturers from EAEU member states in expanding exports to foreign markets is being actively discussed.

For these purposes, at the last meeting of the EAEU Business Council, the importance of facilitating exports to third countries was noted and appropriate decisions were taken on the formation of a list of goods produced by the EAEU with high export potential.

The expansion of the issues of the digital agenda is being discussed, under which it is possible to create a register of goods and manufacturers, as well as the formation of a catalog of products.

Along with this, questions are raised on the transition to a single labeling platform and international standards for laboratory practice.

In turn, the business voiced hot-button issues on the promotion of exports.

“In 2017, there was a positive experience and 1,450 passenger cars were exported to China. However, when exporting to China, there is a customs duty, which is 67%. In order to export our cars to the Chinese market, we must obtain certificates of compliance for their safety requirements. According to the experience of the export batch, certification of one type of car costs approximately $1 million. We also face the problem of logistics costs, which are superimposed on the total cost of production and affect competitiveness,” - Serik Rakhimov, the representative of the Union of Automotive Enterprises of Kazakhstan, said.

The President of the Union of Grain Processors of Kazakhstan, Yevgeny Gan, expressed the opinion that it is necessary to bring order to the existing export support tools.

“Why to invent a new mechanism if the old one does not work for us? We do not have such an effective exporters support mechanism as VAT refund,” - the speaker said.

As the representative of the MNE RK noted, the main problem is the lack of awareness of exporters in terms of costs and analysis of the markets of countries that are of their interest.

К сожалению, выделяемые государством деньги ограничены, также в рамках обязательств ВТО есть запрещенные меры.

Unfortunately, the money allocated by the state is limited, and there are prohibited measures within the framework of WTO obligations.

A representative of the Department of Industry and Competitiveness of the NCE RK "Atameken" Daniyar Babazhanov said that the development and launch of an analytical platform for exporters have been planned. Also, within the framework of the SPIID, an Industrial Development Center is being created, which provides a platform for the state information system for industry, which will also provide information for exporters on barriers, logistics and requirements of third countries, as Daniyar Babazhanov explained.

Yulia Yakupbaeva said that the member states of the EAEU are actively working on the introduction of labeling of a wide range of products.

“Our neighbors in the Union have already launched a number of pilot labeling projects. And the business is already signaling that there are enough serious questions. In this regard, we believe that before introducing such an expensive project as labeling, it is necessary to analyze the regulatory impact, to provide for pilot projects before introducing mandatory labeling on the territory of the EAEU, - Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted. - Also at the EEC site, the issue of the implementation of OECD standards to the developed documents is raised, among which are the issues of introducing good laboratory practices and the recognition of research by countries as export partners. In Russia, for example, there are already 11 laboratories, 4 of them are accredited by GLP".

Proposals for the transition to a single labeling platform and international standards for laboratory practices can bring both business benefits and create additional barriers.

“On the one hand, it is beneficial the money for laboratory research to remain in the country, on the other hand, it will take time and additional incentives to implement these standards,” - Yulia Yakupbaeva added.

At the end of the meeting, the participants agreed to discuss every issue precisely, to work out the issues of export promotion as much as possible, including using the sites of intergovernmental commissions with partner countries within the framework of bilateral agreements and actively participate in the discussion and negotiations on the conclusion of agreements on free trade zones.


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