The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Technical regulation problems in EEU were considered in Moscow

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Russian capital held “Week of Russian business” on 5-9 February.

The event was hosted by Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs which is a permanent partner of The National chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan in the Eurasian area.

The management of “Atameken” took part in the summit of “Technical regulations as a tool of Eurasian integration” and in a session of Business Council Presidium of EEU at the invitation of RSPP in the framework of Russian business week on 8 February 2018.

Alongside with RSPP and “Atameken” the summit was attended by representatives of business communities of other EEU countries and state bodies of the Russian Federation. The summit provided an opportunity to look closely at the issues, having considered the various views.

The key topic of above-mentioned events, as you can see from the name of the summit, was the discussion of current problems and perspectives in the area of technical regulation in the framework of EEU, dedicated to provide the turnover of safe and quality production within the Union.

It is worth saying that all Summit speakers expressed almost similar view on problems in the area of EEU technical regulations and new cooperation development perspectives which says about objectivity of the assessment and potential effectiveness of proposed solutions.

“Necessary actions proposed by the Business community like the implementation of single notification system on unsafe production, the establishment of mechanism ensuring credibility of conformity assessment, harmonization of principles and approaches in establishing accountability for violations in the area of technical regulation etc, are aimed at maximum regulatory mechanism assistance to the business of the Union and a mirrored countering to production turnover that are not relevant to uniform requirements, bearing a potential threat to lives and health of citizens. These measures will help us to fight counterfeiting, falsification within the Union and also fight with false conformity certificate issuing.  There are a lot of such offers in the internet, which not only cause an enormous damage to the business but also discredit a huge work of Eurasian Economic commission and other member states of EEU”- said Deputy Chairman of the Board of “Atameken” Dana Zhunusova.

As a result of the summit business communities will prepare a number of concrete suggestions on future integration in technical regulation of EEU, and its development for the greater good of national economies growth of the member states of the Union.

In the evening it was held 9th session of the Business Council of EEU chaired by the president of RSPP Alexander Shohin. Let us remind that in 2018 the chairmanship came to the Russian Federation which means that the chairmanship in the Business Council of EEU also belongs to the Russian party.

During the session the results of 2017 for the business, the work done by the Business Council on integration in EEU, interaction with Eurasian Economic Commission, assistance in barriers elimination in the work of Eurasian entrepreneurship were discussed.

“Previous year showed integration processes access to a new level, which means a closer cooperation at B2B level. In this situation for business communities of member states of EEU it is necessary to start working at Business Council, which allows to solve most of the issues concerning entrepreneurship cooperation without taking them to the level of member states governments”- summarized Dana Zhunusova in the framework of the session of Business Council Presidium.

The national chamber and Kazakhstan business hope for an early agreements and goals achieving in the framework of the last events, which allows to improve the mechanisms of cooperation between the state bodies and the business of member states of the Union in the area of technical regulation which will increase the quality and safety of production within EEU.

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