The national chamber of entrepreneurs


President of the Kazakhstan set a number of orders at the joint meeting of the Parliament

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Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev opened the fourth session of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the sixth convocation, the press service of  Akorda reports.

Dear deputies!

I congratulate you on the beginning of the new session of the Parliament! During the parliamentary holidays, you all visited the regions and became more acquainted with practical issues of concern to the population. The deputy corps of the sixth convocation showed high professionalism and well-coordinated interaction with the Government. Following the results of the third session, the Parliament adopted 87 laws, in the discussion of which experts, representatives of civil society and mass media participated. Through all these years, by means of consistent reforms, we have been increasing the effectiveness of the state system, having balanced the interaction of all branches of government.

Conditions for effective modernization of the economy and society are being created. Since last year, we have begun to outstrip the world average economy growth rates. GDP growth is 4 percent, inflation fell to 5.9 percent, investments increased by 24 percent. The driving force of economic growth was non-primary sectors, such as manufacturing, transportation and services.

In these conditions, the qualitative implementation of the Five Social Initiatives I have voiced is important. Within a short period, the Parliament and the Government have fully formed the necessary regulatory legal framework. This will improve the living conditions of 6 million of Kazakhstanis. Thus, the unity of our citizens is being strengthened which is the key to the prosperity of the country. It is necessary to continue the qualitative legislative work for further progressive socio-economic development.


One of the important issues is the involvement of self-employed into the social security system. There is a part of the population that does not make any deductions from income and therefore it is not fully covered by the pension system and measures of social support. In this regard, the necessary legislative changes have been developed. To simplify registration of the self-employed population, it is proposed to introduce a single cumulative payment.

Its payment will allow self-employed to be included into systems of medical and social insurance, as well as pensions.

The adoption of these changes is required before the end of this year. This is especially important in connection with the transition to compulsory social health insurance.

A bill has been drafted which, in addition to Health Insurance System issues, provides for the introduction of a new model of guaranteed volume of medical care, improvement of public health issues, corporate governance in medical organizations and others. It is already in the Parliament. Please do not delay its consideration.


The sphere of housing relations directly affects the interests of each resident. There are unresolved issues against the backdrop of the dynamic development of construction in the housing and utilities sector. This causes discontent of citizens. It is necessary to ensure the transparency of the relationship between servicing companies and homeowners, control over the expenditure of their funds. It is necessary to build an understandable and effective system of managing the communal economy. On my instructions, the Government has drafted a corresponding bill that will be submitted to Parliament this year.


In the sphere of natural monopolies, there are tasks to upgrade the infrastructure and improve the quality of the services provided. Parliament received a bill "On Natural Monopolies". It is aimed at encouraging monopolists to increase efficiency and transparency of their activities, as well as at reducing administrative barriers.


The basis of a strong economy is small and medium business first of all. The strategic goal is to bring its share in the economy up to 50% by 2050. Today, this segment employs more than 1 million entities and over 30% of the country's active population. In the future, small and medium businesses should become the main employer in the economy. In May this year, I publicly signed a large-scale package of amendments to improve the regulation of business. It is necessary to move forward.

To further develop the business environment, the Government will introduce a new package of legislative changes. The sphere of tourism can give a big impetus to the development of entrepreneurship. The government was instructed to develop the State Program for the Development of Tourism until 2023. It must be supported financially and by necessary legislative framework. Changes to the legislation on tourism activities should be considered before the end of this year.

In addition, the Parliament has an important bill on public procurement and procurement of the quasi-public sector. It is aimed at simplifying the procurement process, and also on improving their efficiency. Adoption of the bill will reduce corruption risks, free up funds for the implementation of priority tasks and improve the business climate.

The Parliament also needs to consider the issue of further humanization of criminal legislation in the sphere of economic activity. Here it is necessary to find the optimal balance between incentives and punishment. Legislation on administrative violations should be stable, while the principle of proportionality of liability to the nature of offenses must be strictly observed. This year the government will introduce a bill aimed at solving these problems.


Further improvement of legislation in the sphere of agro-industrial complex is required. This concerns insurance issues, the introduction of agricultural receipts, the development of credit partnerships, and the improvement of the control system in the field of veterinary medicine.

The corresponding package of legislative amendments is in the Parliament. Please consider it before the end of this year.


We continue the comprehensive work on the implementation of the "Rukhani zhangiru" program of public consciousness modernization. One of its most important tasks is to ensure the protection and popularization of historical and cultural heritage. In this regard, the relevant bill is under consideration of the Parliament. Its adoption will contribute to the effective development and protection of historical and sacral objects in accordance with the best world experience.


In June of this year, Shymkent was given the status of a city of national importance and the Turkestan Oblast was formed. The creation of a new regional center in the sacral city of Turkestan is a symbol of the revival of the historical significance of the region as an independent administrative center.

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In the near future, Parliament will receive bills for consideration, which will assure full-fledged work of the reformed administrative-territorial units. They require rapid elaboration and adoption.

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