The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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At the site of the National Chamber the issues of the strengthening of the role of national standards, the order of their planning and development were discussed. The meeting was chaired by the Acting Director of the Department of Technical Regulation of the NCE RK "Atameken" Zhazira Shuykebayeva with the participation of representatives of the RSE "Kazakhstan Institute for Standardization and Certification" and business.

Today, the importance of national standards is growing. Zhazira Shuykebayeva noted that it happens due to the amendments to the legislation on state purchases in terms of providing priority to goods and services produced using national, and  interstate standards.

"The conditions for economic integration and the absence of customs borders between the countries of the EEU require high competitiveness of domestic goods and services, and increase consumer confidence. In our opinion, these and other issues can be resolved through the application of national standards, "- shared Zhazira Shuykebayeva.

During the meeting, business interested in the planning process, standards developing and financing.

"Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization is ready to provide methodological assistance in planning and developing standards. In the protection of the market through the application of standards, much depends on the qualitative definition of priority areas and planning the development of standards" said Iskander Khamitov, Deputy Director General of RSE "Kazakhstan Institute for Standardization and Certification".

He noted that in the near future there will be an improvement in automation of the process of planning the development of standards. Summarizing, Zhazira Shuykebayeva asked the business to formulate areas requiring the development of national standards and compale a list of non-governmental standards needed to be identified as national.

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