The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Mazhilis will consider a package of draft law related to business

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Presentation of one of the projects will take place next week

This is a draft law "On Standardization", and as reported in an interview of the deputy of the Mazhilis Azat Peruashev with, the government immediately began a conceptual revision. Mazhilismen returned from their trips around their regions, where they held a meeting with voters. Azat Peruashev met mainly with businessmen, who raised, as it turned out, a few problems.

"There were a lot of questions since we met in the villages, the farmers told us that for a more than a year they are not paid agricultural subsidies. Such signals came from Pavlodar and South Kazakhstan regions. This is despite the fact that officially no one has canceled them", - said the Mazhilisman.

Azat Peruashev added that among the other most common questions from entrepreneurs were issues of pseudo-entrepreneurship and requests to reconsider the validity of the statute of limitations on tax disputes. "There are questions about ENPF, the banking system. Now we will systematize all received questions and issue a request to the Government of Kazakhstan to address them", - said the deputy.

According to the interlocutor, rural entrepreneurs raised questions about fragmented work of Holding "KazAgro".

"There are a lot of subsidiaries, each of which is responsible for a certain sector. As a result, this leads to unnecessary costs for maintenance and administration of a large administrative apparatus. Secondly, it is very difficult for an entrepreneur to figure out whom to contact regarding a certain issue, there is "KazAgroFinance", "Mal Onimderi". As a result it is running in a circle", - he stated the deputy.

The story about draft law, affecting the interests of business that Mazhilis will consider in 2017, Azat Peruashev started with a draft law "On Standardization" and related to it changes and additions.

"The presentation of the draft law is scheduled for 26th of February, the Committee on Technical Regulation and Standardization presented the document to the party "Ak Zhol ", but as far as I know, after the draft law was subject to further conceptual processing. So let's see", - said the deputy.

According to Mazhilisman the purpose of the bill – is "a definite shift of emphasis in the development of state and national standards, as well as interstate standards in the framework of the EAEU agreement on technical regulation".

Among other lawmaking news Azat Peruashev predicted the amendments to the Criminal Code, specifically, the exception of Article on pseudo-entrepreneurship.

"But the truth is, there are points of contention where it is proposed to maintain the norm, according to which not the pseudo-entrepreneur is responsible for not full payment of taxes, but a bona fide businessman, who had the imprudence to enter into a contract with him. There is still a problem, but nevertheless, there is progress – the exclusion of the article from the Criminal Code, and maybe add up of specific offenses in other articles would be very important ", - concluded the deputy of the Mazhilis.

Zhannar Serdalina


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