The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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"Atameken" aims to work out solutions for reducing the electricity cost.

Complaints of consumers about high electricity tariffs were discussed on the working meeting between the Chairman of the Energy Committee of the NCE Presidium Almasadam Satkaliyev and the head of the National Chamber Timur Kulibayev.

The chairman of the Presidium of Atameken NCE, Timur Kulibayev, outlined the clear position of the NCE in this issue - the task of the National Chamber to prevent the illegal rise in the cost of electricity tariffs, moreover, it is important to analyze the possibilities for reducing them. It is necessary to establish a dialogue with the consumers themselves, as many of them have their own constructive proposals for cheaper electricity.

Today, electricity prices for end consumers are composed of the price for the electricity production, tariffs for transmission through the networks of energy-transfer organizations and supply surcharges of energy supplying organizations.

At the same time, prices for electricity from energy producing organizations are not regulated, except for the establishment of a marginal tariff for groups of these organizations. Almasadam Satkaliyev said that the cost price inventory at electric power stations found out that in 5 groups out of 17 the electric energy is being sold below the cost price, another 10 groups have a tariff that is almost equal to the cost of electricity produced and only 2 groups have small potential for tariff reduction.

The Chairman of the Energy Committee believes that the potential for reducing tariffs depends more on the work with services for the transmission of electricity.

In 2017 there were 160 energy transmission companies in Kazakhstan, 32 of which are in the Karaganda region. Such a large fragmentation of networks leads to the participation of up to 5-7 suppliers in the electricity supply chain, which significantly increases the cost of electric energy transportation by at least 50%. In July last year, amendments were made to the law "On electric power" to consolidate DCs, defined in the 51 step of the Plan of the Nation. Reducing the number of DCs, as well as reducing the tariff on energy transmission for the organizations that do not meet the qualification requirements of the law of "On Electric Power Industry", will be reflected in the tariff for the end user.

Three energy transmission organizations have already ceased operations: two in the Aktobe region and one in Atyrau.

The issue of developing a systemic comprehensive approach to solving this problem is also relevant in the light of the increasing use of gas in the production of electricity and heat, which makes it expedient to develop an appropriate branch law - the Heat Supply Act. Its adoption will allow to attract investments into modernization, reconstruction and new construction of generating capacities and to reduce the existing high level of deterioration of thermal power plants, which will allow to avoid cross-subsidization of thermal energy due to electric power. At the same time, the deterioration level of thermal power plants exceeds 50%, in some cases 70%.

In addition to power issues, the head of the National Chamber Timur Kulibayev also focused on stimulating the widespread introduction of energy saving and energy efficiency, in most cases, due to the modernization of the infrastructure of enterprises. Rational and reasonable consumption of fuel and energy resources leads to an increase in profitability of production, capitalization and competitiveness of the enterprise. Among other things, this leads to a return of investment, so the national development institutions can and should become a source of stimulating energy saving policies.

However, for a comprehensive strengthening of the energy saving and energy efficiency policy, the head of Atameken instructed to analyze all the tools that were provided for in the program on energy efficiency and energy saving, identify strengths and weaknesses and present concrete proposals.

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