The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Business should also have responsibility- Ablay Myrzahmetov

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The chairman of the board of “Atameken” Ablay Myrzakhmetov told to the Central Communication Services about the development of business environment during the briefing concerning the implementation of key directions of the President’s Nation Address “New opportunities under the fourth industrial revolution”.

All 9 directions of the new Address according to Ablay Myrzakhmetov directly or indirectly impact on business interests. 

“We have a concrete plan of its realization. The first one is macroeconomic policy: tax policy, tariff, monetary and budget policies. These factors encourage favourable business climate. We consider the work in this direction very important. Tax Code has already been adopted, budget processes development. In tariff policy there are approaches according to the standards of OECD and European standards”- said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Moreover the situation with the monetary policy is not satisfying.

“We understand the difficulties that we have and the difficulties The National Bank faced as a regulator. Banks purification and consolidation; all these things are connected. But the issue of credit availability is still on agenda. Also we see some other key directions like the work in the framework of permissive system, monitoring and oversight functions reformation, human capital development”- told the speaker.

Concerning permissive system reform Ablay Myrzakhmetov gave some statistic examples. 5 years ago there were 1300 different business solutions, so due to “guillotine method” they were reduced by 30% annually.

“Nowadays due to the collaboration with the Government a number of permissions was reduced almost 4 times. We have set “filters”.  So now any desire of the state bodies to give permission should go through the law on permissions, and before this it should go through regulator impact analysis. “Atameken” obligatory gives an assessment and through several “filters” it goes to Mazhilis. Thus nowadays we have only 300 permissions and we analyse what permissions should be brought to the self-regulated area”- told Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Big work was done in the area of business inspections reduction. In 2012 we had 300000 inspections and the last year there were less than 80000. An important step became the implementation of risk management system, when inspections are appointed automatically according to the activity of the company. “Atameken” analyses system’s work on a daily basis to define inspection’s objectivity.

“An entrepreneur addressed us, company was registered in Almaty but works in Karaganda…He changed the place of registration but when you change the address system thinks that you want to avoid taxation so the entrepreneur got into “red zone” which means that he was inspected. We think that it was an absurd situation and tax workers understood us. We often monitor this system to prevent such situations. The system must stimulate fair entrepreneurs. Another implemented measure is inspection insurance. In Europe it is a usual practice to punish with money. It is obvious that it disciplines entrepreneur to provide the safety of his production. And insurer will supervise how you keep your commitments to business. So we need to implement this system”- said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Nevertheless according to the Chairman of “Atameken”, it is important to respect the principle of a fair work of entrepreneurs. Answering the questions, Ablay Myrzakhmetov replied that he calmly gets a constructive criticism in this regard.

“The question of customer’s protection has been raised properly. For the last years a great work has been done: state regulation was reduced so now business should have responsibility. Look what happened to elevators! We abolished licensing of elevators suppliers and now they are not regulated, in fact almost every month something happens with elevators in housing complex. We suggest implementing a standard system. Nowadays legislation draft is considered by Mazhilis. We think that the standards that being created by industry business                associations with the help of customers and state bodies must be a base for legislative instrument. If a company set an elevator, cooperative of apartment owners or a client can check how the elevator corresponds to a standard”- said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Also “Atameken” suggests implementing the roster of non-compliant goods, so the customer can see what production does not meet quality standards.Another solution of the problem is the creation of Consumer protection society with qualified experts and a possible funding through state contracts. 

“Atameken” also suggests implementing the program on improving competitiveness in the framework of state program on industrial innovation development to implement the process of digitization and modernization in the area of small and medium size business.

“We suggest covering 9 main non-resource-based industries of small and medium size business. All of them use state supporting measures. The state gives them “carrot” –state support measures, and takes mutual business obligations on digitization and modernization. We help implementing digitization, smart management on the grounds etc. So we combine all measures into one program and increase fair business”- summarized Ablay  Myrzakhmetov.


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