The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The first stage was passed. ”Astana-1” gains momentum.

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“Atameken” held a video conference on the “Astana-1” IS implementing issues as well as the issues of laws and regulations drafting, whose adoption provided by the new customs code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Director of the customs administration department of “Atameken”, Dina Mamasheva moderated the meeting. Representatives of the state revenue committee of the MoF of RK, industry association and business community members, and also regional chambers representatives took part in this event.

Umitgul Gubasheva told about the operation process of “Astana-1” IS, export customs procedures and transit. Also she gave clarifications on the issues of filling gaps in “Astana-1” IS.

It’s worth saying that “Astana-1” IS commissioning time was once again adjusted and planned for April 1, 2018.  The pilot mode launch of the single window for the export-import operations is scheduled on October 1, 2019.

Nikolay Sushkov, director of the department of “KTZ — Freight transportation” JSC, told about interaction between “KTZ” and State revenue committee of the MoF of RK in terms of the functioning of “Astana-1” IS.

“Since October 2017 “KTZh” information systems were integrated within “Astana-1” IS in a preliminary way. Since October 1 till December 31 2017, 65 thousands of information have been transmitted. This way of information transmission allows to transform into electronic declaration form.  Concerning this we have no questions now. But we are interested in export and transit. After the transfer of declaration somehow there are problems because the copies of declaration with notes stay in the system of the Customs but the system doesn’t recognize customs transit timeline, means of identification during KTZh transmitting. This is the question of risks” – said Sushkov.

Dina Mamasheva underlined that it takes time switching to the paperless transit and nowadays you cannot do anything without stamps in transport consignment notes.

“Taking into account that we have implemented the eTransit system of export customs procedure, it is necessary to establish electronic cooperation between KTZh and customs departments for the closure of the transit in automatic way”- she added.

Customs administration department assistant director Irina Ansarova said about the problems of interaction between e-declaration and second-level banks and tax bodies.

“Implementing electronic declaration, customs declaration in electronic form must be accepted by all state bodies and organizations that carry out control in various activities. It needs to be statutory. The national chamber analysed currency and tax legislation to have a look on the rights and obligations of business through the provision of documents in electronic form. In the Exchange control act there is no mention of adoption of documents in electronic form. However in the rules of export-import there is a mention that second-level banks or the National bank itself may demand supporting documents from the exporter or importer. It turns out that it’s necessary to provide documents, the copies that were confirmed by the National certification Authority of RK. But Astana-1 doesn’t provide for NCA”- reported Irina Ansarova.

The speaker also noted that nowadays there is no clarity how the entrepreneur will confirm the contract implementation to the banks and tax bodies. So the issue needs a detailed clarification, she thinks.

By the end of the meeting Dina Mamasheva reported about the operation of legislation that is going to be adopted by the Customs regulation Code of RK.

She also made some comments on the results of draft consideration of 4 orders of the MoF of RK:

  • On the approval of presentation characteristics of conditionally released goods or the place confirmation during customs controls to confirm the observance of the purposes and conditions for the provision of benefits of import customs duties payment, tax and restrictions on the usage of these products with regard to the application of the benefits of import customs payment and also the frequency of requirements of the customs control after release of the goods in a relation to conditionally released goods.
  • Concerning the issues of customs transit and means of transportation.
  • Concerning the documents to free from the exemption of customs charges for the customs declaration of goods.
  • On approval of the rules to confirm the existence of grounds for the granting of delay for the import duties payments and the decisions to grant import duties payments delay or its refusal.

As a result of the meeting Dina Mamasheva underlined that the operation issue of “Astana-1” IS on export and transit was fully examined and asked the state revenue committee of the MoF of RK to show the presentation of all business-process operation of “Astana-1” IS, its import systems and plans for realization at the next meeting.

“Astana-1 information system doesn’t raise so many questions as it was in the beginning. The work on monitoring the Astana-1 IS “export” subsystem can be considered as completed. It’s also necessary to start monitoring the work of the “import” subsystem test mode”- said Dina Mamasheva.

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