The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Ablay Myrzakhmetov encouraged colleagues from the regions "Not to rest on laurels"

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He instructed to preserve the "high degree" of the work focus of the Councils for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and counteracting corruption

The results of the work of the Councils at the regional level were summed up by NCE RK "Atameken", with the participation of the Chairman of the Board, Ablay Myrzakhmetov, in a videoconference mode.

At the meeting, the figures were announced: for the outgoing year, the Councils in the regions examined 221 problems. The leaders in terms of the number of problems are East Kazakhstan region, Karaganda region and Almaty city. As a result, 42% of the issues are resolved positively.

"For us, business protection has always been a cornerstone, the main task. Especially in the early years, entrepreneurs saw protection in us and understood that we are also engaged in systemic issues at the legislative level. Much has been done in this direction. Now, we set a task for Councils not to rest on laurels. What has been done, let's put ourselves in credit, but we will continue this systematic work", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov emphasized.

How effectively will be solved business problems in the framework of the Council depends on their quality, the Chairman of the Board of Atameken is convinced. He cited the example of North-Kazakhstan region, where the Council includes the regional prosecutor and takes an active part in the examination of acute business issues.

"It is clear that the degree of consideration in such cases is completely different, therefore, in each Council there must be at least a deputy prosecutor of the region", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov stressed.

прав предпринимателей должны резко возрасти», - заявил Аблай Мырзахметов. According to him, one of the tasks of Atameken is to seek the inevitability of punishment for officials who obstruct entrepreneurs. In this matter, both the Councils for the Protection of Rights, and personally their chairs, must play a key role.

"A good example is East Kazakhstan region, where it was possible to achieve the responsibility of the heads of departments. There are examples in Karaganda region. It is clear that in each region you have a certain relationship. But if we put these relations and the interests of entrepreneurs on the scales, then there should be no doubts. If there are violations of business rights, we will ask for it. Therefore, the requirements for the chairmen of the Councils for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs must increase sharply”.

In turn, the chairman of the Republican Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs and Counteracting Corruption, Kairbek Suleimenov, noted that next year regional colleagues need to work in accordance with priority areas. It is mandatory to take into account the activities of the Roadmaps for the implementation of the Agreements between Atameken and the General Prosecutor's Office, as well as the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs.

"To ensure that our work is not in vain, you need to regularly review the final results of responding to your recommendations. If there are facts of unjustified rejection or formal consideration of recommendations, one must be persevering in their implementation. If you are right, we will always help you at the central level", - Kairbek Suleimenov said.

He also stressed that in the regions it is important to intensify the practice of visiting meetings, to conduct them at the prosecutor's office and the Department for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption. This practice is effective and carries maximum results.



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