The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Altyn Sapa": "The Urals Commercial and Industrial Company" is a serious contender!

- West Kazakhstan Region
7398 просмотров

Very little remained until the traditional competition for the President's Prize for achieving significant results in the field of quality "Altyn Sapa"

Over 100 companies of the country will compete for recognition at this level this year. Among them is the "Ural Trade and Industrial Company". With what the Kazakhstani industrial enterprise from the West Kazakhstan region intends to surprise and what new is it going to present at the contest - in our next material.

Participation in this competition for the "Ural Trade and Industrial Company" is not at all new. On the contrary, the factory workers try to apply annually and fulfill all the requirements in order to keep the bar high. After all, they already became the owners of the main awards. So, in 2014 the company was nominated "For Contribution to the Environment" and in the competition on social responsibility of business "Paryz" won a worthy victory. Repeatedly it was recognized as the first in the regional contest "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan", has the National Quality Mark "Perfect".

"Altyn Sapa" is another opportunity to prove oneself, to recommend and find new partners on the scale of the country and not only. This year the company intends to present its new activities. One of them is the construction of water conduits.

"Now we have started construction of a water pipeline from the Kushumsky deposit to Zhangala village. Now the works are going briskly, they have already passed the first forms, they are going to put 5 wells. In this way we plan to provide clean drinking water for up to 7 thousand people, covering all settlements up to Zhangala itself. In total, there are 8 of them. I believe that this is an absolutely new direction of our company, a new stage of development for us, we got the second category for the construction of assembly works", says the company's head Valery Krylov with pride.

In connection with the construction of the water pipeline, the company conducted a 10-kilowatt power transmission line to the Kushumskoye field, opened about 70 new jobs, began contributing to the implementation of the Akbulak state program. Without stopping work even in the winter, the company intends ahead of schedule, by the fall of next year to complete the project.

"This year we succeeded in novelties", - the director of the enterprise continues. - Every year we try to introduce something new in production. In addition to the fact that now we have started construction work, this time we are waiting for the equipment from the German company to arrive. It will allow us to produce polyethylene pipes with polypropylene sheath, which protects the pipe from mechanical damage. As you know, when laying pipes, they are covered with a sand-gravel mixture, so that there is no deformation of the products. A polypropylene layer will serve as a protection, replacing the sand and gravel mixture and reducing the cost of laying the pipeline. At the same time, the budget for construction will be reduced, since there will not be any costs for machinery that needs to be transported with sand".

Another direction, mastered by the "Ural Trade and Industrial Company", is the production of polyethylene pipes for hot water supply and heating. The first batch is already started and shipped, factory workers note. This product can withstand temperatures up to 115 degrees.

"As you know, in our country, steel pipes have always been used for hot water supply. Polyethylene could not stand, - says Valery Krylov. - Manufacturers of polyethylene and equipment, which we brought and launched, gave a guarantee that it will be successfully tested on their machines. We received certificates and put 2 sites on our CHP, from now on we are closely monitoring the entire process, and there are already some developments with our thermal sensors. In the future, it will be possible to plan the installation of all city networks with polyethylene".

Such a product for customers is advantageous, experts say. Polyethylene has a much longer service life than steel, especially if it is designed for hot water and heating. After all, such pipes under the influence of an aggressive environment are even more worn out. And the warranty period of polyethylene pipes is about 50 years. And, their use is less expensive. Therefore, the benefits are obvious, factory workers note.

It should be noted that this enterprise produces about 30 thousand tons of polyethylene per year. By the way, "Ural Trade and Industrial Company" is the only manufacturer in Kazakhstan of polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 1600 mm. And in the CIS it is one of the three manufacturers of this diameter. This project was realized by the state support through the program.

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