The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Kairbek Suleimenov: 70% of purchases are held formally

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There are problematic issues in the sphere of public procurement. The Chairman of the Council on the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken" Kairbek Suleimenov said during the forum on business protection. "Our council is one of the main tools for implementing the program. We held 8 meetings this year and all were dedicated to specific items of implementation of this program.

There are problematic issues in the sphere of public procurement. The Chairman of the Council on the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of NCE RK "Atameken" Kairbek Suleimenov said during the forum on business protection.

 "Our council is one of the main tools for implementing the program. We held 8 meetings this year and all were dedicated to the specific items of implementation of this program. While reviewing the law on public procurement, in the sphere of purchasing medicines and medical equipment, we once again drew the Government's attention to the fact that we have up to 70% of purchases and formally by law, but in fact it is one-sided and there is an element of corruption and lobbyism. That is, they come from a single, so-called source. Together with that, the Ministry of Finance, having obtained the aggregate opinion of all state bodies, agreed with them and did not react to our proposal. And we believe that only one source of public procurement can be held only in exceptional cases", - Kairbek Suleimenov emphasized.

He noted that the democratization of the procurement process remains questionable.

"We held many events at the level of regions and districts, the same Councils exist at the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs. 221 the issue was considered in regions and districts on the implementation of the roadmap, which was adopted and signed last year. I am sure that with the adoption of the new program, we will make a step forward to consolidate the rule of law, provide a legal guarantee for business, that they will not be illegally involved in criminal and economic liability", - the Chairman of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of NCE RK "Atameken" summarized.

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