The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Representatives of the fishing industry discussed the development of regional aquaculture

- Akmola Region
8739 просмотров

On the basis of Zerendinsky reproductive complex, representatives of the fish industry during the training seminar on aquaculture were able to familiarize themselves with the commodity cultivation of valuable fish species.

The seminar, which traditionally included theoretical and practical parts, was also attended by representatives of the Kazakh Fisheries Association, the management of natural resources, prosecutor’s office and others.

In the course of the theoretical part, the expert of the Center for Agricultural Competences on Aquaculture Serik Timirkhanov told the audience about the current state and prospects of the development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan and the requirements for placement of fish farms. It was quite useful to study the design of hatcheries, methods of intensification in fish farming, the principles of agricultural cooperation and state support of agricultural producers.

Practice was held in the incubation shop and at the ponds of the Zerendinsky reproductive complex.

Zerendinsky reproductive complex (formerly Zerendinsky fish hatchery) specializes in the incubation of whitefish caviar. In addition, the incubation of caviar of other cold-loving fish species is carried out here: pike, pike perch, burbot. Also, when the water is heated, it is possible to incubate the eggs of carp fish. For information, there are pike-yearlings at the farm.

Listeners in practice got acquainted not only with the methods and features of the incubation of caviar, but also ways of growing young fish, alternative methods of providing live natural fodder for fish in pond farming.

"Due to the fact that the most of the listeners were tenants of small reservoirs of the region, they were mainly interested in three groups of issues. This is the procedure for transferring reservoirs from the fishery to aquaculture use, the possible volume of fish products, and the existing measures of the state's support for aquaculture", - Serik Timirkhanov said.

According to the expert, a part of the seminar was productive, during which, with the support and direct participation of the head of the department of natural resources, in the presence of the fish protection authorities and the environmental prosecutor's office, the disputed issues of tenants were discussed. Following the discussion, participants made a list of actions to remove barriers to the development of regional aquaculture, and all proposals were taken "for a pencil" for transfer to the authorized body - the agriculture department.

And although this meeting was not included in the program of the training seminar, it has become more than effective. Without delay all the questions and disputed issues were discussed and decided on the spot. There were no indifferent people in the hall.

From 2016, the Center for Agricultural Competences of NCE RK "Atameken" conducts training of subjects of the agro-industrial complex to innovations and the fundamentals of effective agribusiness management. In order to provide practical assistance to entrepreneurs engaged in the agricultural sector, solution of technological (situational) problems and introduction of modern technologies, highly qualified experts conduct consultations, by visiting the regions and farms.

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