The national chamber of entrepreneurs


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- Akmola Region
8553 просмотров

A new trading house opened in the town of Yereimentau with the support of the local branch of RCE

Tolegen Smatov addressed to the Chamber for the first time in March last year. Having a personal experience of running grocery store business, the businessman decided to open a new one by the advice of loved ones.

But, as it often happens, he was lacking resources, and he didn’t have his own premises. He was told at the Business Support Center that for the construction of the new building he needed an impressive amount, in addition to this, much time is spent on the design of the necessary documentation. In addition, there was no free land for the construction of the facility in the center of the town.

On the advice of the consultants of the Centre T. Smatov decided to buy the unfinished building of the store with ready licensing documents. With the help of BSC the man got a business plan, corrected mistakes in the the collateral documents, collected and handed over the necessary documents for lending to Halyk Bank. However, the bank refused him, citing minor risk factors in the activities of SP.

The businessman had to address to BSC for assistance in obtaining a loan through other STB. After further processing the digital data in the materials, the recalculation, the consultants proposed to apply to the branch "TsesnaBank".

Here, the project was successfully approved and issued the requested amount for the purchase and completion of construction works.

Today, the trading house is working successfully. Consultants of BSC continue to accompany the project, making out subsidies on bank interest rate. A contract for accounting service was also signed.

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