The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Bolat Palymbetov: "Entrepreneurs in the regions must feel our support"

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The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov met with regional representatives of the Business Ombudsman

Earlier Bolat Palymbetov traveled to all regions of Kazakhstan, met with the leadership of the region and the prosecutors, to whose notice he brought the problems of entrepreneurs.

At this meeting, regional representatives presented reports on the results of the Ombudsman’s business trips to the regions.

In general, in all areas intensified work on the allocation of land through auctions, representatives of regional chambers are included in the various commissions at local executive bodies. On the websites of a number of local government offices is posted information on master plans and projects of detailed planning of settlements.

The representative of the business ombudsman in Pavlodar region Madi Syzdykov noted that after the intervention of the Ombudsman on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, the problems of entrepreneurs find their resolution.

For example, there was concluded a contract on public procurement with the local producers - LLP "ORTOPROT" worth more than 47 million tenge. In addition, assistance was rendered to the construction company LLP “INNOVATION CENTER PROJECT" in a dispute with the state body on the involvement of the entrepreneur to administrative responsibility for execution of design work with violations.

In Kyzylorda region for timely response to business problems under the Chamber and the regional branches opened "the prosecutor's office", where the representatives of the supervisory authorities conduct receptions of business.

A number of questions were resolved right away in the North Kazakhstan region. So, for example, an appeal of the farm "Golovanov". It was related to the issue of allocation of a land plot  from owned by rural district. The question was solved positively, all 5 decisions on allocation of land have been signed.

The problem of LLP "Avagro" was unilateral changes in the lease agreement "KazAgroFinance", which significantly worsened the position of LLP "Avagro". It was successfully resolved after the intervention of the expert of RCE. During the talks with the representatives of "KazAgroFinance" the terms payments under the contract were restored.

"Do not forget, colleagues, that the regions – are not only regional centers, but also villages and rural areas. We must not forget about it. It is necessary to work directly with them. Information does not reach them. Lack of information – is the main problem. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the work - said Bolat Palymbetov. - And there is no need to work for putting a tick in the box. Work on the result. If you can’t, you tell me! "

Issues that require time to be solved were also raised at the meeting. The issues at the regional level, mainly related to the illegal actions of local authorities, which often make unlawful decisions or judgments.

For example, questions about six entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region, such as the pharmaceutical company "Romat", "Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan" in Pavlodar region, the enterprise "Pravikom", the company "Ergo-Tas", the enterprise "Merusar and K", the company "Total- Service", were submitted to the central office of NCE RK "Atameken".

Questions of the national level, are mainly related to the deficiencies of regulatory legal acts, which from the moment of introduction impose on additional material costs on an entrepreneur, do not give them the opportunity to grow business, and some of them restrict the activities of SMEs.

"At the meetings, all the leaders of the region have supported us, they are interested that entrepreneurs develop in their region, and are ready to meet the problems of local businessmen. We need the real picture in the regions. Businessmen must feel our support", - concluded Bolat Palymbetov.

It should be noted that this is the first meeting of the Business Ombudsman with regional representatives on the same platform, which allowed to identify the problems of regional business and to envisage further steps to improve the business climate in the regions.

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