The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Stepnogorsk – is an example of successful development of the dual education system

- Akmola Region
9444 просмотров

The delegation of the European Education Foundation got acquainted with the organization of dual training on the example of one of the largest post-Soviet enterprises and the leading educational institution in the town of Stepnogorsk.

It included representatives from France, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia.

JSC "EPK-Stepnogorsk" was established in 1972. In the CIS countries - it is the largest enterprise for production of railway bearings. Today it employs over 1,800 people. In 2015, the plant produced 542 thousand bearings in the amount of 5.9 billion tenge. And already this year - 649 thousand for the amount of 11.4 billion. The increase in production is stipulated by increase of demand for their products and the development of new types of bearings as a result of the modernization of production.

However, in the course of its operation, the company was faced with a shortage of engineering personnel and labour specialists. Stepnogorsk branch of the regional chamber took an active part in resolution of this issue. Therefore, a tripartite agreement on patronage was signed on his initiative.

Under the contract in the company and other social partner - industrial and technical college number 2 – was introduced a dual education system. As a rule, students learn the theory in college and in the company under the guidance of experienced mentors, they reinforce the received knowledge, and broaden their practical skills.

Vice-president Nadezhda Krivosheeva responded in detail to the questions of the guests, who were interested in what proportion is combined time of study of theory at the college and practice at the plant, how practical training is organized, and how mentoring is promoted.

"As a result of this system, the company receives a ready specialist with the assigned qualification rank, whom they know well, and who does not require adaptation in the workplace ", - said Nadezhda Krivosheeva.

At workplaces, where Bazaar Omarov, Aibek Orazov, Dauren Zhusupov work, members of the delegation were asked questions from recent college graduates. The boys proudly said that they are satisfied with how they acquired trades, and subsequent employment at the leading enterprises of the town.

Conversation about prospects and problems of technical and vocational training continued in the walls of the institution. Industrial and Technical College # 2 was founded in 1979 as a basic institution for Stepnogorsk bearing plant. College, designed for 600 students, has a teaching and technical base, well-trained, experienced, creative engineering and teaching staff, who introduce innovative technologies in the educational process.

Currently, the college trains specialists in the following professions: engineering technology, turnery and metal working, electromechanical equipment for industry, chemical engineering and manufacturing, design, social and cultural activities and folk artistic creativity, computers and software, catering.

"In 2016, 116 students graduated from the college, 80% of them are employed at enterprises of the city. Within the system of dual education - 25 people", - said to the guests the director of the institution Elena Kraineva. She conducted a tour of the college, spoke about the history and achievements of the educational institution. Guests with an interest inspected workshops, familiarized with the training materials, talk to college students in the classrooms and at workshops.

During the round table were asked a lot of questions, ranging from the form of ownership of educational institutions and to the formation of its budget, the choice of trades by students, the level of qualification, the employability of graduates.

According to the participants of the delegation, there are many examples of the successful use of the dual education system, but it is in Stepnogorsk. It is presented very clearly and successfully. Visitors will find that this experience should be encouraged in other regions: two social partners were included in the system - the institution always has order from the enterprises, and education program is formed with the participation of the employer.

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