The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Didn’t submit the report on time - Pay the fine!

- Akmola Region
10839 просмотров

Regional Entrepreneurs ask a question: why did a widespread awareness campaign about the Order of the Minister of Health and Social Protection not take place?

At the conference hall of the Regional Chamber gathered entrepreneurs. The place was literally packed. The cause - the order of Minister of Health and Social Development "On approval of forms of administrative registration for the presentation of information on demanded occupations and job vacancies for inclusion in the database of current vacancies and projected jobs", adopted on 17th of July this year. However, it came in force on 19th of August (after its first official publication on 08.08.2016).

The experts of the Chamber initiated the roundtable meeting themselves, as agitation grows in the business. According to the order, now, in the period from 1st of July to 1st of October each year, all legal and natural persons will have to provide information about available vacancies without fail. It means the period of reporting - not far off.

According to the deputy head of the regional department of coordination and social programs Sholpan Rakhmatullina, these requirements acted before. However, as of now administrative responsibility will be applied in case of violation: for the wrong time of report submission there is penalty of 10 MCI for the first time, the second - 20 MCI.

"As part of the order, there are two basic forms of reporting. The first (vacancies), - for the submission of data on-demand job vacancies and specialties. The second form (forecast) provides for the submission of information on-demand occupations for projected jobs", - said Sholpan Rakhmatullina.

Among the most frequently asked questions: Do you need to submit a report in the event of dismissal of an employee and closing the job? In this case it is necessary to clarify, in connection with what the vacancy is closed. In case of liquidation of the workplace (reduction of the post) vacancy is closed, and in the report the number of vacancies is reduced by the amount of the liquidated jobs. That is a report is submitted on this form in any case.

Or, for example, an employee in the company has been released, but the company is not planning to hire anyone for this job. In this case, the management must determine exactly: there is a vacancy or not? Typically, the release of the worker is a result of the job cuts. The report should be presented in this case as well.

Individuals working under a patent do not submit a report. As you know, they do not use the labor of employees on a permanent basis. Therefore, do not provide information about vacancies and required specialists.

By the way, the penalty is imposed in the case of failure to provide information on one form.

Regarding the 2 form, it is intended for collection of information collected on projected workforce for the next three years. "This information is necessary in order to create a single database of current vacancies and projected jobs. Using these data, we can effectively operate with them at the labor market ", - added Sholpan Rakhmatullina.

Deputy Head of the Regional Labour Inspectorate Zhanat Ibraev hastened to reassure the audience: "In the near future we will not carry out any inspections. In any case, if we will plan, you will be informed accordingly one month in advance".

"All events will be held in the framework of the law. The Entrepreneurial Code provides for stimulation of entrepreneurial activity and ensuring its protection and support. On its part, the regional chamber will provide full support to entrepreneurs in the field. On the basis of BSC, SCE, applicants will be told how to complete the reporting forms", - said the director of RCE Erkebulan Bayakhmetov.

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