The national chamber of entrepreneurs


How will be labeled fur sold on the Internet?

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President of Kazakhstan fur trade association Sergey Vedyashev drew attention to the possible risks upon introduction of labeling of fur products

According to him, the theme of the introduction of labeling in the EAEU has been discussed for two years, and during that time, only through the continued participation of NCE in the process, industry associations had the opportunity to express their views on certain aspects of the project.

"In particular, in October last year at the site of NCE RK "Atameken", we said to state authorities about our concerns related to the "gray" imports and the possible overflow of contraband products on the market of Kazakhstan from neighboring countries. And even then it was clear that many of the questions, such as, for example, the Internet sale of fur, remained unresolved in the pilot project", - said Sergey Vedyashev.

According to the head of Kazakhstan fur trade association, deadlines of the project and unrecorded things in the end will affect both the business as well as for further decisions of public authorities to introduce labeling on a regular basis.

"In May of this year at the invitation of NCE, we took part in a meeting with a member of the Board (Minister) for Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission Vladimir Nikishin, and then again we voiced concerns and possible risks during the project implementation. By the way, I should note that the Commission strongly idealizes the process of introducing fur labels. The fact that not in all regions of Kazakhstan works Internet at 100%, not to mention the information system in which each person, who has relation to furs, must be registered, that is, from tailoring and import to its sale", - said S. Vedyashev.

Meanwhile, according to him, despite the presence of a considerable number of issues in business, most entrepreneurs have already carried out the necessary preparatory procedures for the implementation of the project. "We are now in the standby mode, there is still no information when the system starts to work, and where we will receive the control marks", - says S. Vedyashev.

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