The national chamber of entrepreneurs


PPP - a partnership relationship, rather than compulsory funding

- Akmola Region
13262 просмотров

Two projects within the framework of public-private partnership will be implemented in Zhaksy District

This is a kindergarten and a sports complex. Local entrepreneurs are investors, who took over most of the obligations: the reconstruction of pre-school institutions, the construction of sports facilities, purchase of equipment. The state in the face of the District Akimat plans to finance the wage fund of involved professionals, utility bills, etc. The exact amounts of the cost the two objects, have not yet been announced, but it is expected that projects will be ambitious.

This information was announced during the meeting by the director of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Ualikhan Gabdullina with the local business community. RCE initiated visits to the districts of the regions to inform entrepreneurs about the implementation of the laws "On Public-Private Partnership" and "On Agricultural Cooperation". Under this initiative, the information group visited Zhaksy and Atbasar districts.

We would like to note that today, according to the law "On the PPP", the business can initiate projects not only in the basic sectors such as health, education, construction of roads, but also in all spheres of the economy. The State, on its part allocates land plots for PPP projects, it provides government support and payments, it provides the engineering infrastructure, transfers state property objects in use or management.

"It is necessary to correctly interpret the law on "PPP". Unfortunately, society has developed a stereotypical and even a negative opinion on the term. Despite the fact that the PPP priori involves partnerships between business and government, some officials continue to believe that the prerogative should belong to entrepreneurs, that is, in practice, this could lead to the forced funding of a specific project by the private investor, meanwhile partnerships implies mutual cooperation ", - said Ualikhan Gabdullin.

During the discussions, the director of RCE recommended businesses to be actively involved in the work, to protect its interests, noting that the Chamber of entrepreneurs was created for this purpose. "You shouldn’t be passive, you should be active, defending your rights, offering your vision to solution of your problem issues, taking into account the specifics of business", - added the director of RCE.

Participants of the meeting also interested in the mechanisms of implementation of the law "On agricultural cooperation". Both regions are historically agrarian, that is why cooperative movement arises genuine interest. "In the current economic climate, cooperation is an objective necessity of uniting the peasant farms into cooperative structures in order to increase their effectiveness, which will enhance the competitiveness of the agricultural associations", - said the deputy director of RCE Fatima Gerfanova.

During the meeting the director of the regional Chamber took note of all the issues.

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