The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Akmola brands Kokshetau ice cream, unique bricks and exclusive buttons

- Akmola Region
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The III forum of domestic commodity producers "Uly dala eli" will start its work on 28th of July this year in Astana. Within its framework, the republican contest-exhibition "The best goods of Kazakhstan" will take place, at which they will present their products and compete for the title of the strongest nine Akmola companies - winners of the regional competition.


I place was rightfully awarded to LLP “Shchuchinsk Boiler-Mechanical Plant”

The main activity of the company is the production of steam boilers and hot water boilers, pre-insulated pipes for heating mains, sandwich panels, metal structures.

Annually the plant produces more than 300 boilers of various modifications, a huge number of boiler-auxiliary equipment, block-modular boiler-houses. The enterprise has a production base on the territory of more than 16 hectares, it is equipped with all necessary modern machine tools and equipment. Orders for products come from various departments, in particular, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense, JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy. In addition, the equipment is delivered to all regions of Kazakhstan, some are exported to Russia.

"One of the main tasks of the plant management is to create conditions for increasing the productivity and quality of labor. Since 2007 the company has been successfully working on the international quality management system ISO 9001: 2000, in addition, there is a certificate "Environmental Management System. Our factory is a numerous winner of prize places in various competitions, including, "The best goods of Kazakhstan". All this in the aggregate obliges us to work with even greater impact, to try to hand over all the objects on time, to fulfill the planned plans and prospects", - Viktor Kondrashov, the General Designer of ShchKMZ stressed.

Victor Kondrashov: the taste of victory!

ShchKMZ - the best manufacturer of the equipment

It's all about it.

Unique and the largest among domestic brick producers in the country, a modern automated factory for the production of ceramic bricks, with a capacity of 60 million pieces per year. This is all about LLP “ENKI”.

The best brick!

M. Abdykalykov: working days

The high-tech equipment installed at the plant makes it possible to produce more than 36 types of high-quality facing ceramic bricks of various colors that have no analogues in Kazakhstan and CIS countries, as well as large-format porous blocks.

The production process, from clay processing, molding, drying and firing to brick packaging, is fully automated. The use of modern technologies and equipment for firing brick on gas (propane-butane) speaks of environmentally friendly production and, as a result, an environmentally friendly product.

"It is important that along with the use of foreign technologies and equipment, materials and potential of Kazakhstani enterprises are used in our production, and local specialists are involved," says director of LLP “ENKI” Myrzabay Abdykalykov.


JSC “KAMAZ-Engineering”

JSC KAMAZ-Engineering is one of the first large and successful joint Kazakh-Russian projects in the field of automotive engineering in Kokshetau. The enterprise was established on 2nd of June 2005, and in the beginning of August of the same year the first dump truck and a bus were assembled. On 19th of August, the first serial car was assembled at the production. For 12 years the enterprise has manufactured and sold to Kazakhstani consumers more than 4000 heavy-duty vehicles on the KamAZ chassis. Vehicles assembled in Kokshetau work today almost all spheres of the economy of the republic. Over the years, the plant has mastered about 40 different models and modifications of the car. And about the same number of models of special equipment. These are various communal vehicles, road service technics, various capacitive vans of any purpose. According to the representatives of the company, simultaneously with the increase in production volumes, the company is working to improve the quality, the plant has implemented a quality management system that meets the international standard ISO 9001: 2000.

KAMAZ: made in Kokshetau


Domestic - only from natural raw materials. This principle is strictly adhered to by the shoe factory "SAMHAT", which became the leader in its nomination in the regional contest "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan".

The company was established in 2008. Over the years, the company received universal recognition, found regular customers in the domestic market, in short, "SAMHAT" has become a recognizable brand. The popularity of this brand is guaranteed by a combination of quality and affordable prices.

Only genuine leather, environmentally friendly materials and components of domestic and imported production are used in the production of men's and women's shoes. The concept of the company's development is aimed at high quality products, thanks to the introduction of new technologies in production through the updating and use of new high-tech equipment. And compliance with all requirements of GOST, modern equipment of the factory and constant quality control is ensured at all stages of production.

The capacity of the factory allows to produce up to 500 thousand pairs of shoes per year. We make it primarily with care for human health. And, of course, take into account the functional properties of shoes - wearability, reliability, durability, as well as convenient care and storage. Therefore, all materials and components are necessarily certified and pass multistage entrance control before entering production", - company representative Arman Akhanov said.

LLP «KazTechnics »

LLP “KazTechnics” is relatively new at the domestic market. It was launched in 2013. It is quite famous and it produces  high-quality lighting products.

LLP "KazTechnics" produces lighting fixtures for streets, roads and highways, buildings and structures, bridges, railway platforms, mines, industrial and storage facilities, greenhouses, lighting for offices, residential buildings and housing complexes.

The production base is located in the town of Atbasar, where there is a large fleet of highly automated machines that allow producing not only LED lamps, but various metal structures - metal furniture, electrical panels, doors, solid fuel boilers and much more.

"Our company's slogan: real economy and long-lasting light. Indeed, high quality of products is our main priority, and this apart from such indicators as the highest energy efficiency and illumination", - emphasizes Daniyar Ualiyev, director of LLP “KazTechnics”.

An industrial enterprise - LLP "Onyx" operates a quarter of a century in Kokshetau

The company specializes in the production of consumer goods from plastic. Moreover, the enterprise was one of the first in the post-Soviet space to master the production of accessories (buttons and buckles for sewing production). In 1993, the first batch of products was manufactured and sold, and from that moment the further development of production began.

Today the products of LLP Onix are represented on the Kazakhstan market by a wide range of goods, the release of which is developing in four directions. This is production of sewing accessories; wiring boxes in living quarters; furniture accessories; consumer goods (household products).

Raw materials for the manufacture of electrical products are purchased from domestic producers. The enterprise constantly increases volumes of release and sales of production. That is characteristic, the prices for the goods here are lower than foreign and many domestic analogues.

"The main consumers of the products are enterprises and shops of the towns of Kokshetau, Pavlodar, Karaganda, Astana, Almaty, Kostanay, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Petropavlovsk. And the confirmation of trust from our customers are long-term contracts. In the future, we plan to increase the range of import-substituting products, expand production areas, introduce innovative products into production, and create new jobs", - company director Alexander Semenov said.


Leader in the production of food products - LLP "Agrofirma TNK" is again a leader in the production of food products.

Let's remind, agro-firma won the prize-winning place in the same nomination last year as well. The large agricultural formation (whose history dates back to 2000) includes a group of 15 companies specializing in high-tech production of natural products on the principle of "from village to table". The basis of the product portfolio of LLP "Agrofirma TNK" are grain products (grain seeds, including elite ones), flour, bran, rennet hard cheese, fermented milk products, sausages, canned meat, meat delicacies and semi-finished products.

In addition, the company specializes in breeding pedigree livestock. And this year, its livestock has exceeded 8500 (!) heads of cattle, horses and sheep. The company's final products, which are manufactured using only natural raw materials, are produced under the trademark "Zhasy". In 2015, the company actively took the course to promote its brand and direct work with end-users. Let's note, the company has more than 200 thousand hectares of sown areas.

The bakery enterprise, which is part of the group, was officially recognized as one of the largest harvesting enterprises among the CIS countries. About 7% of flour production in Kazakhstan is produced at the company's mill complexes. The processing of the whole line of sour-milk products has been mastered. The capacity of its own dairy farm is up to 20 tons per day of natural cow milk. At the end of 2015, the company's product portfolio was replenished with meat processing products. The enterprise does not stay on its laurels, poses new ambitious tasks related to improving the company's image, strengthening its leadership positions in the current market.

"At the end of 2017, it is planned to launch a unique, unparalleled packing workshop in Kazakhstan, with packing from 400 grams and more. Now we are working on a project of an innovative mill complex with a processing capacity of 500 tons per shift. For the convenience of consumers, the products will be packaged in packs from one to ten kilograms. In addition, in the future, the introduction of a macaroni factory with 3 production lines will be launched. The production capacity of each - 2 tons of ready-made pasta per hour, followed by an increase to 4 tons", - commercial director of LLP "Agrofirma TNK" Yerlan Ormanbaev said.


LLP "Gormolzavod" - history of delicious ice-cream

One of the oldest and famous enterprises of the city of Kokshetau, whose history dates back to the 1950s - LLP "Gormolzavod". It is here that they produce the most delicious treat - the factory launched a line for the production of creamy, chocolate, fruit ice cream. In addition, in the short term – it is planned to launch the production of solid ice cream according to the Italian recipe - the so-called premium class. In general, the enterprise produces up to 40 types of products. The assortment includes: pasteurized milk, fresh milk, fresh cream, sour cream, butter, sour-milk products, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, smoked cheese. They also established a special line for the production of national dairy products: kurt and kospa. Also in the plans - the production of hard cheeses, dried milk and dry whey. All the products of Gormolzavod are made from natural raw materials. For regular supply of raw materials, the company organized a dairy farm in Zerendinsky district. It is planned to increase the number of cattle up to 1200 heads. Also, a milk processing enterprise was established in the neighboring North-Kazakhstan region.

In addition, for the organized sales of products under the company, the company "Trade House" Gormolzavod" was established, which coordinates the activities of all outlets of the plant and sales in the regions. The company delivers its products to the markets of the capital, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Shymkent, Almaty and Almaty region, Aktau, as well as to Russian cities - Ekaterinburg and Omsk. By the way, last year LLP "Gormolzavod" initiated the creation of a consortium and merged with other milk processors in order to increase productivity, improve the quality of raw materials, and in general, increase the competitiveness of products. Speaking about further plans, the director of the company Asen Zhaksylykov, said: "We plan to modernize the enterprise and, in particular, the ice cream shop, to reconstruct the production line, install new high-tech equipment, to produce even more profitable, high-quality and competitive products". 



Homemade milk, kefir, sour cream, butter, cheese - from the dairy plant "Aina"

Homemade milk, kefir, sour cream, butter, cheeses - from the dairy plant "Aina" There is a factory for in-depth processing of milk, the official distributor of which is LLP "Trade House "Aina". It operates in the Burabay region for almost ten years The enterprise is multidisciplinary. In addition to processing milk, it specializes in plant growing and animal husbandry. The complex has introduced the technology of year-round stabling: a highly productive pedigree herd totals 1200 head of cattle of a special milk Holstein-Frisian breed. They have their own food base. The plant's current productivity is 10 tons of milk per day. Products under the well-known brand "Aina" are supplied to the markets of the capital, Kokshetau, Shchuchinsk, and other regions. The main buyers are schools, hospitals, kindergartens.

"The product does not contain a gram of powder, we produce whole milk", - says the managing director of the enterprise, Yersain Boranbaev, with pride. - The production of dairy products at our plant is based, I'm not afraid of this word, on the highest quality milk and on centuries-old traditions that help to support our experienced masters of technology. And buyers appreciate this, trusting our products for many years". 

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