The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Made in Kazakhstan: Favorite milk - from "Aina"

- Akmola Region
12130 просмотров

Dairy plant "Yesil-Agro" produces homemade milk, kefir, sour cream, butter, cheese and other products

For eight years on the territory of Burabay district operates a plant for deep processing of milk, the official distributor of which is LLP "Trading house"Aina".

The company is diversified. In addition to the processing of milk, it specializes in plant growing and animal husbandry. Technology of year-round stabling was introduced at the complex: highly productive breeding flock has 1,200 heads of cattle of special dairy breed Holstein-Friesian. We created our own food supply.

The capacity of the plant is 10 tons of milk per day. Products under the brand name known to all "Aina" are supplied to the markets of the capital, the cities of Kokshetau, Shchuchinsk and other regions. The main buyers are schools, hospitals, kindergartens.

"The products don’t contain a single gram of powder, it is whole milk, - with undisguised pride says the company's director Ersain Boranbaev. - Production of dairy products in our factory is based on the milk of the highest quality and old traditions that help to maintain the experienced masters. And customers appreciate this, trusting in our products for many years. "

Of course, the production of organic products can not affect its production cost. However, according to Ersain Boranbaev if all milk producers will comply with these conditions, the country will not need any imports.

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